Why You Need an ANPR System
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An ANPR system is one of the most effective methods of bolstering the safety and security of your car park or access road. It acts as a 24/7 security guard to ensure only authorised personnel are granted access to your site.
This article explains everything there is to know about an ANPR system and the reasons why they are worth the investment.
What is ANPR?
Standing for ‘Automatic Number Plate Recognition’, ANPR is a highly accurate system that uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to accurately identify the numbers and letters on a number plate. While ANPR is usually associated with law enforcement use such as speed ticketing, congestion area charging, and identification of stolen vehicles, the system also has various features that are hugely beneficial for private use.
ANPR systems can boost car park security
By installing ANPR cameras at a car park’s entrance and exit, organisations can rest assured that only authorised vehicles are able to access their premises. ANPR systems can be linked to existing access control systems such as car park barriers and/or bollards. Additionally, with ANPR and automatic car park barriers, access to any car park can be greatly improved and streamlined.
Allow limited-time access with ANPR
After identifying the number plates on any vehicle, ANPR systems can easily log the date, time and location of the vehicle, and proceed to carry out an action based on the data (save the information in a database for retrieval at a later time, issue an alert should the plates match against a specific database, open a gate, etc.).
ANPR is just as effective at night time
Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras use infrared LED lights to enable them to still be equally as effective at night time or when the daylight fades. This essentially means that they operate 24 hours of the day, ensuring the complete security of your site at all times.
If you would like more information on ANPR systems, or if you would like to inquire about a quote, please feel free to get in contact with a member of our sales team today.
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