Local authorities plan to use CCTV-style cameras in order to fine cars parking illegally during school runs

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More and more local councils are considering using CCTV-style video surveillance cameras in order to snap parents who park illegally when dropping and picking up their children from school, a news report has revealed.

Although the technology (a slightly modified CCTV surveillance system that only activates during the school run and is able to zoom in on the number plates of cars parked on restricted parts of roads) is still going through tests in five London councils and at least two more outside of the capital, it’s quite likely that complete systems will be rolled out on a wider scale in the near future.

Although the system seems to have struck quite a positive note with a large number of local councils, representatives of the National Motorists Action Group said that the cameras are illegal, as according to government guidelines, such systems should not be used regularly.

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