Digital CCTV reduces public fear of crime

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Southampton City CouncilIn their bid to tackle the fear of crime, officials in Southampton are taking advantage of the fact that overall crime in the city dropped 14 per cent last year; whereas night time violent crime in the city centre also suffered a huge drop, to 31 per cent. But Southampton City Council and Hampshire Constabulary are concerned that the fear of crime remains too high. Therefore they are telling people it is safer via posters displayed in bars and pubs in the city centre.

As well as thwarting crime, the public perception of safety will be enhanced when they know a digital CCTV network from CCTV Surveillance is covering the city streets. The system comprises a PC based, multi channel video surveillance system that utilises the most advanced compression technologies to bring you the highest picture quality and video performance. Compared to analogue CCTV, a far greater number of CCTV cameras can be connected to your network and viewed, all through a single PC monitor. Any questions on CCTV can be answered via this link.

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