CCTV surveillance tackles anti-social behaviour in a recession

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recession anti social behaviourIf community and police resources are cut to the bone during the recession this could damage communities, said Professor Martin Innes. He has been commissioned by Her Majesty’s Chief Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) to work alongside Ipsos MORI to develop a new framework to help police forces respond more effectively to acts of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). He said: “If anything, work to tackle anti-social behaviour has been given extra urgency by the recession. Our research shows that a failure to tackle ASB can have potentially serious impacts upon the long-term economic and social well-being of communities.”

CCTV Surveillance Ltd cameras can be used to tackle anti-social behaviour. The cameras can be indoor or outdoor, stationary or moving, and you can have installed one camera or a huge network. Our models of CCTV camera have colour CCD sensors, so footage will always be recorded in full colour. We also provide cameras with a range of facilities to cater for differing light range or colours enabling clear pictures whether day or night. By providing cameras manufactured by the top suppliers you can be confident in receiving unequalled service and image quality.

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