CCTV Supplied on Keepmoat Home’s Construction Sites
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CCTV Surveillance Case Study: Keepmoat Homes
Keepmoat Homes specialises in building around 1,000 high quality, attractively priced homes a year. They enable people to achieve their dreams by securing that vital first step on to the home-ownership ladder. Their award winning range of homes demonstrates innovation, while a wide variety of house styles and exceptional choice of fixtures and furnishings, offered through their Contours’ range, allows customers to create their ideal home.
Keepmoat wanted to better control the security on their building sites, so instead of using a security guard they decided to install a Tensor CCTV monitoring system especially designed for contruction sites. The beauty of the this system is that it can be moved from site to site, as one housing facility is completed and another started.
Keepmoat particularly like the 24 hours a day, 7 days a week aspect of the CCTV system and the fact that it is connected to a monitoring centre. This not only makes it cheaper than employing a security guard, but also creates ‘evidence quality’ CCTV that can be given to the police to aid a prosecution.
Another advantage of this CCTV building site protection system is that it incorporates a high-volume public address system which means that the response centre can warn intruders to leave before the police are called. During the day when the construction site is busy, the CCTV system acts as a watchdog making sure that health and safety procedures are properly followed as well as general security.
When asked what Keepmoat liked most about the Tensor-Build system, they said “adaptability,” and when asked if they would recommend the Tensor to other housing companies to control their site security, “yes, its a good product. The CCTV system and service is a decent product at a decent price.”
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