Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. New £200,000 CCTV surveillance camera system goes live across Inverclyde

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    A new CCTV surveillance camera system worth an estimated £200,000 has been deployed across Inverclyde, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The new system, funded and operated by Inverclyde Council and Police Scotland features state of the art 4G technology, with images from the cameras being stored in a data cloud, and also boasts mobile cameras.

    Councillor Michael McCormick, convener of the council’s environment and regeneration committee, said: “We are taking an innovative approach by using a 4G system rather than a radio or fibre-optic network.

    “It will be fast and flexible and allow us to deploy cameras where they’re most needed without having to run cables from the camera to the monitoring suite.

    “There is an ongoing problem with fly-tipping, for example, and this new system means that we will be able to quickly install cameras at locations where, up until now, dumb dumpers have been safe from surveillance.”

    The system has 40 fixed cameras and four mobile ones.

    The majority are located in town centres or at busy points on the road network and rather than transmitting along a fixed cable to the CCTV monitoring suite at Greenock Police Station, the cameras now record images to the cloud using the 4G mobile network and can extract clips when they are needed


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition CCTV software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  2. Thermal cameras and radar systems can help bolster perimeter protection and security

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    Thermal cameras paired with ground radar systems are some of the best solutions to enforce perimeter security as they enable security personnel to be alerted even before a suspect reaches an organization’s actual perimeter.

    When safeguarding mission critical sites, radar solutions paired with thermal imaging cameras are increasingly becoming the solutions of choice for perimeter surveillance and security.

    Effective for outdoor, rugged environments, ground-based radar systems utilize high frequency radio waves to detect moving objects — including vehicles and potential intruders.

    These radio waves can penetrate moderate weather conditions, such as rain and fog, as well as moderate density foliage, allowing them to see through common obstacles. Radars provide near constant coverage as they scan a property 360° every one to two seconds.

    An advantage of thermal cameras is that they produce images based on radiated heat rather than reflected light. All living things and inanimate objects emit some degree of heat naturally, making them apparent to thermal imagers, even if the human eye (or visible spectrum cameras) may not be able to perceive them.

    By relying on this emitted heat, thermal cameras yield images with greater scene detail in many challenging conditions, similar to those often encountered in perimeter protection applications. Thermal cameras are a 24/7 monitoring solution, not reliant on external light or favorable conditions.

    Detection ranges of one kilometer or more are not uncommon with thermal cameras, making them an effective pairing with radars. Similar to radar, thermal cameras can see through moderate weather and foliage to detect intruders.

    CCTV Surveillance – The Suppliers of Choice for Integrated Perimeter Security Solutions

    Identifying threats to an organizations’ premises before critical infrastructure, business continuity or even employees’ life are compromised is a crucial issue nowadays. This is the reason why simple, reactive CCTV monitoring is slowly being replaced by proactive detection systems, capable of delivering an impressive situational awareness in any emergency situation, regardless of its specific nature.

    Being a part of the Tensor plc group of security companies, CCTV Surveillance is in the best position to deliver a complete, comprehensive and highly reliable perimeter security solution, featuring, beside high-end digital CCTV monitoring, controlled entrance & exit to your site, car park control, additional access points in the perimeter fencing or high security protection of sensitive areas.

    Moreover, high risk premises requiring 24 hour protection, irrespective of weather conditions, can also be protected using a variety of advanced detection solutions, such as Thermal Optics, as well as Ground Radar Detection, while advanced imaging and video analytics could be used for determining the nature of the intruder and increasing the effectiveness of perimeter security systems.

  3. CCTV Surveillance Systems Go Live across 17 towns throughout Powys, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion

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    State of the art HD CCTV cameras with 25x optical zoom and 360 degrees turning capability, together with the associated infrastructure, have been installed in 17 towns across the Dyfed-Powys force area in order to bolster safety and security, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    CCTV footage has already proven crucial evidence in police investigations. The quality of the footage has been so compelling, some suspects have pleaded guilty to the offences they were accused of.

    To celebrate the accomplishment, the Police and Crime Commissioner invited AMs, MPs, Councillors and other community representatives to Police Headquarters to see for themselves how 123 cameras are being proactively monitored from a centralised monitoring suite.

    Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn said: “I am really pleased that the CCTV project has come to fruition and is now entering its final stages. I am very grateful to see the force responding to the pledge I made to reintroduce a CCTV infrastructure in the Dyfed-Powys Police force area:  To deliver this project has taken a lot of effort from lots of different people – diolch.

    “It’s all about making sure our communities are as safe and secure as possible and it is very encouraging to see the positive impact the CCTV infrastructure, its centralised monitoring suite and our team of CCTV operators are having on policing throughout the force.

    “I felt very proud to have been able to open our doors to the community representatives, for them to see the system to understand the level of investment made and for them to see the impact CCTV is already having throughout the force.”


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition CCTV software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  4. Up to 34 CCTV cameras to be upgraded with facial recognition software across Kolkata, report finds

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    Kolkata Police is set to introduce state of the art facial recognition technology to crack down on shoplifters, pickpockets and snatchers, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    In recent years, facial recognition technology has become a handy tool for investigators and prosecutors, helping solve several recent high-profile cases.

    The facial recognition software will process video feeds transmitted by 34 new IP cameras and will help monitor the crowd and help reduce crimes like chain snatching and pickpocketing at busy places. The software will store the photographs of known criminals and the control room will get alerts if the software can match the wanted criminals, moving on the streets, with the photographs.

    “If the CCTVs help us trace the criminals, this software will help the police get alarms about the movements of the suspects and this will prevent crimes from being committed. This is going to change how we look at crimes in crowded areas, especially the market places. If the project is successful, we will slowly introduce the software all over the city and increase the total number of such cameras to 100,” said a detective department official.

    CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric access control technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

  5. Video Management Software Market to Reach $4.79 Billion by 2025, Research Report Reveals

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    The global video management software market size is expected to reach USD 4.79 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 18.8% from 2019 to 2025, fresh market research from Grand View Research has been able to suggest.

    The market is anticipated to witness significant growth owing to increasing awareness of the benefits offered by VMS and growing investments in city surveillance as part of the smart city projects.

    Moreover, the increasing adoption of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), also known as H.265 video compression standard, coupled with the rising trend of integrating VMS with emerging technologies such as built-in intelligence and deep learning for video analytics is expected to boost the video management software market growth. A unified VMS enables customers to merge analog and IP videos and offers a cost-effective approach to businesses for expanding and improving their surveillance capabilities.

    VMS can be integrated with multiple digital cameras depending on the requirements of the customer. With the growing adoption of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras and Internet Protocol (IP) network cameras in the security and surveillance market, the demand for VMS is also anticipated to witness significant growth over the forecast period.

    The software enables customers to enhance situational awareness and monitoring capabilities. High resolution videos and imagery can also be used by government law enforcement agencies to identify, track, and arrest criminals.

    CCTV Surveillance – Supplying the Industry’s Most Advanced Video Management Software (VMS) solutions

    The video management software (VMS) supplied by CCTV Surveillance provides the most intuitive video and recording management features available today. Powerful video and metadata search, coupled with evidential quality export functionality, gives operators the tools they need to efficiently and effectively do their job day in, day out – offering a seamless user experience whilst offering the flexibility of being open-platform.

    Furthermore, thanks to its embedded Linux operating system and security hardening package provided as standard, the VMS is inherently cybersecure, protecting the security of your security solution.

    The software enables end-customers to enjoy best-in-breed solutions that are both scalable and future-proof, ensuring that your security and business goals are fulfilled both now and into the future.

    The Video Management Software (VMS) suite supplied by CCTV Surveillance is one of the most intuitive video and recording management solutions available on the market. Powerful video and metadata search, coupled with evidential quality export functionality, gives operators the tools they need to efficiently and effectively do their job day in, day out – offering a seamless user experience as well as enhanced security.

  6. New CCTV system deployed at accident blackspot in Shropshire

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    A couple of new CCTV surveillance cameras have been installed at a known accident hotspot in Shropshire, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    A spate of accidents at the Llynclys crossroads on the A483 led both the parish and Shropshire councils to press Highways England for improvements.

    In August four children and three adults were injured in a crash at the junction.

    Now road engineers have put up cameras on the crossroads.

    Highways England route manager for Shropshire, Robert Jaffier said: “We’re working really closely with the parish council and local authority to examine the way traffic travels around the junction. To do this, we have installed some temporary CCTV cameras that will monitor driver behaviour and help us to identify the next steps.”

    “Highways England is committed to making roads safer and we are always encouraging safer driving behaviours. We have already reduced the speed limit on this stretch of road and we will continue to work with the local authority and those that use the junction to see what further measures can be put in place.”


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition CCTV software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test that replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  7. CCTV surveillance camera system set to be installed at Hartlepool’s Rossmere Park

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    A new CCTV surveillance camera system is set to be deployed in Hartlepool’s Rossmere Park in a bid to help crackdown on antisocial behaviour, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    Proposals were submitted by Hartlepool Borough Council chiefs earlier this year to put the two CCTV columns, measuring eight metres and 10 metres, in the park. It came as part of plans to install CCTV security cameras at all major parks across the town to help combat anti-social behaviour and vandalism.

    The council planning committee approved the plans, with reassurances being given from council staff the cameras were to combat anti-social behaviour and would not invade people’s privacy.

    Sylvia Pinkney, head of public protection at the council, said: “It has been identified as being appropriate for the prevention of crime and disorder.

    “The park has been subject to anti-social behaviour most recently relating to the events area and the play site, the installation of public space CCTV will provide a level of protection to the site and improved community safety.

    “The location and height of each camera has been selected to provide the best available coverage of the park whilst being able to obtain a wireless link.

    “They are not there to be intrusive to the residents in the area, they are there to protect the park and would be used if an incident occurs.”

    She also added all staff operating cameras would be fully trained, audited, and act within human rights, privacy and data protection laws.


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  8. Police use of automated facial recognition is legal, Cardiff High Court decides

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    The High Court in Cardiff has now found that South Wales Police’s use to date of automated facial recognition (AFR) has been consistent with the requirements of the Human Rights Act and data protection legislation, a government report reveals.

    It also found that the current legal regime is adequate to ensure the appropriate and non-arbitrary use of the AFR system that has been used in trials by South Wales Police.

    According to the UK Government’s Office of the Biometrics Commissioner, whilst South Wales Police should be commended for the thoughtful, considered way in which they have carried out their trials to date there remains a wider issue, which is not limited to whether there is a legal basis for the police to carry out trials of AFR.

    The bigger question going forward is whether there should be a specific legal framework for the police (and others) to routinely deploy new biometrics including AFR but also voice recognition, gait analysis, iris analysis or other new biometric technologies as they emerge.

    CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric access control technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

  9. V-Series NVRs

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    Wavestore V-Series NVRs deliver an enterprise recording, management and control solution for large size projects that demand mission-critical reliability. Typically, at least 128 network cameras can be connected to each NVR, which are supplied with pre-installed Wavestore’s Video Management Software (VMS). Throughput of 1,200Mbits/sec is provided with multiple network interfaces to segregate incoming and outgoing network traffic. Ports can be bonded to provide fault-tolerance and maintain high-performance at all times.

    Housed in a rack mountable 2U case, V-Series NVRs come complete with dual power supply as standard and can accommodate up to 12 x 3.5” hot swappable hard drives to provide up to 120TB of storage. This can deliver more than 45 days continuous real-time recording from 128 Full HD cameras with RAID5 redundancy.


    • Form factor: 2U rackmount
    • NVR channels: Typically 128Max.
    • HDD’s: 12 x hot swap
    • Max. storage: 120TBMax.
    • IP throughput: 1,200Mbits/sec
    • RAID: HyperRAID™ ready (up to N+5)
    • HDD spin down: EcoStore™ ready
    • Failover ready: Yes
    • Operating System (OS): Linux with VMS embedded
    • Wavestore VMS: Pre-installed, ready to license any level
    • Quick Camera Group setup: Yes
    • On-board WaveView client operation: For set-up only
    • Remote WaveView & WaveView Mobile client operation: Yes
    • Dual PSU: Yes
    • Standard warranty: Three-year
    • Extended warranty: Five-year (option)
    • Up to 4096bit encryption with comprehensive cyber-security package provided as standard
    • Fully ONVIF conformant and truly open-platform
    • Compatible with the world’s leading camera brands and video formats, including H.265, H.264, MJPEG, MPEG-4, MxPEG and JPEG2000
    • Compatible with a wide range of camera technology including UHD, 4K, HD, 360° fisheye, panoramic, thermal, HD over analogue and analogue.
    • Client-side 360-degree camera dewarping and the ability to create multiple virtual cameras from a single video stream
    • Comprehensive third-party integration capability across Intelligent Video Analytics, Access Control, Intruder Detection and other technologies*
    • Powerful events & metadata engine*
    • View live and recorded video on the same screen at the same time
    • Group up to 255 Wavestore NVRs/HVRs together for centralised control and management*
    • Instantaneous logarithmic scrub-bar and SmartSearch
    • Three-click evidential export in a host of popular container formats
    • Lip-synchronised audio
  10. E-Series NVRs

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    Wavestore E-Series NVRs deliver a professional recording, management and control solution for small to medium size security and video surveillance systems. Typically, at least 32 network cameras can be connected to the NVRs, which are supplied pre-installed with Wavestore’s Video Management Software (VMS). There is also a hybrid option, which allows up to 16 analogue and typically up to 16 IP cameras to be connected simultaneously.

    Housed in a rack mountable 1U case, E-Series NVRs can accommodate 2 x 3.5” internal hard drives to provide up to 20TB of storage. This can deliver more than 31 days continuous real-time recording from 32 Full HD cameras**.

    The E-Series has a throughput of up to 300Mbits/sec and comes with dual network interfaces to segregate incoming and outgoing network traffic. The ports can be bonded to provide fault-tolerance for perfect performance at all times.


    • Form factor: 1U rackmount
    • NVR channels: Typically at least 32 (16 for Hybrid version when using analogue channels)
    • HVR channels: Up to 16 (Hybrid version)
    • Max. HDD’s: 2 x internal
    • Max. storage: 20TB
    • Max. IP throughput: 300Mbits/sec
    • HDD spin down: EcoStore™ ready
    • Operating System (OS): Linux with VMS embedded
    • Wavestore VMS: Pre-installed, ready to license any level
    • Quick Camera Group setup: Yes
    • On-board WaveView client operation: For set-up only
    • Remote WaveView & WaveView Mobile client operation: Yes
    • Up to 4096bit encryption with comprehensive cyber-security package provided as standard
    • Fully ONVIF conformant and truly open-platform
    • Compatible with the world’s leading camera brands and video formats, including H.265, H.264, MJPEG, MPEG-4, MxPEG and JPEG2000
    • Compatible with a wide range of camera technology including UHD, 4K, HD, 360° fisheye, panoramic, thermal, HD over analogue and analogue.
    • Client-side 360-degree camera dewarping and the ability to create multiple virtual cameras from a single video stream
    • Comprehensive third-party integration capability across Intelligent Video Analytics, Access Control, Intruder Detection and other technologies*
    • Powerful events & metadata engine*
    • View live and recorded video on the same screen at the same time
    • Group up to 255 Wavestore NVRs/HVRs together for centralised control and management*
    • Instantaneous logarithmic scrub-bar and SmartSearch
    • Three-click evidential export in a host of popular container formats
    • Lip-synchronised audio