Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. How can using intelligent CCTV reduce police and Publics Services costs?

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    With the rising doubt over the state of the economy and the government requiring budgets cuts to deal with the spiralling UK budget deficit, various bodies are already looking at the areas where they will be forced to reduce expenditure. Some have suggested that police force manpower will require significant downsizing. However, others have said that technological advancements can assist when being forced to economise without the need to reduce headcount.

    Over past 20 years, the main political parties have increased spending on the police, yet, the impact of the downturn is beginning to make itself felt and with many public services facing cuts in their budget. This makes it even more vital for public services to make the most of their available finances.

    A recent article in The Guardian reported that spending on the police is set to rise by 2.7 per cent to £10bn next year, with 70 per cent of this budget going to the 145,000 police officers in England and Wales. This was met with stoic criticism by Met Commissioner Sir Ian Blair who said policing was simply becoming ‘unaffordable.’

    In this new financial landscape, CCTV systems are playing an increasingly important role in helping the police and other public sector organisations reduce their costs whilst maintaining front line services. Traditional CCTV installations have been criticised as ineffective, however, with the rise of ‘intelligent’ systems which have the ability to react to light and movement and make triggered decisions, security analysts are already saying that the use of “event based” digital CCTV this could save billions for the economy.

    The cost of crime in the UK is still high, with the Home Office study in 2005 showing that the cost of crime to the UK economy was running at a staggering £78bn per year. The widespread introduction and deployment of new CCTV technologies across the UK could counteract the necessary budget cuts and allow crime prevention and safety to be maintained at high levels.

    If you are responsible for crime prevention and safety within a public sector body and have concerns as to how you can keep on top of the situation with a limited budget, then contact CCTV Surveillance today to see how our CCTV systems can assist your organisation to make efficiency savings whilst increase crime prevention and safety.

  2. CCTV Surveillance products are the solution to post-election probable police cuts

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    CCTV Surveillance security monitoringWhoever gets in at the imminent 2010 general election (and the next government has big decisions to make on spending cuts in order to tackle the huge national debt caused by the bank bale-outs and the credit crunch) may have to reduce police numbers. Many police forces are already taking these rumours of cuts very seriously.

    Given the likelihood of members of the constabulary suffering cut backs like any other public service, business owners may need to take other proven measures to prevent them being victims of crime. Therefore the answer is CCTV Surveillance Ltd, the No.1 UK installer and maintenance service provider of digital CCTV camera and recording surveillance systems.

    CCTV Surveillance installs, maintains and perennially looks after industrial, commercial, and domestic CCTV installations on sites across the UK and provides cost effective evidence quality CCTV surveillance systems tailor-made to meet your requirements. Equipment used for your requirements is manufactured by Panasonic, Samsung, Genie, Pelco, Dedicated Micros, Wavestore and many more.

    The British Security Industry Association claims public spending on CCTV is worthwhile, saying CCTV images are frequently called upon in the criminal justice system to help secure prosecutions. Being part of the Tensor PLC group of security companies, you can trust the reliability of CCTV Surveillance’s products and services. Security and surveillance CCTV cameras are available for indoor and outdoor environments, day and night shooting, and more.

  3. CCTV surveillance can help reduce violent crime

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    CCTV helping to reduce violent crimeNew figures released this week have shown a downturn in violent crime. Cardiff University analysis of hospital data for England and Wales shows there were 64,000 fewer violence-related attendances in emergency departments last year than in 2001. 

    However, with suggestions that the police force (estimated at costing £10 billion next year) will require significant downsizing, and remaining doubts over the state of the economy, the government faces tough decisions over budget cuts. If crime is to be cut further, then technological advancements such as CCTV can assist the police and other authorities in gathering evidence and securing convictions.

    CCTV Surveillance Ltd is the number one UK installer and maintenance service provider of digital CCTV camera and recording surveillance systems. It provides cost effective evidence quality CCTV surveillance systems tailor-made to meet your requirements.

    The advancement in picture quality of digital CCTV means it is much superior to analog systems. British Security Industry Association CCTV Section chairman Pauline Norstrom has said: "Time and again the police take advantage of CCTV images to reconstruct events, identify offenders and make high-profile calls for public support in their enquiries," adding: "Images are frequently called upon in the criminal justice system to help secure prosecutions.

    Also available are professional CCTV security monitors, which give high definition monitoring and enhanced functionality; and accessories like weatherproof and vandal-proof external housing for mounting your cameras.  

  4. Custodian CCTV Footage

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    Custodian CCTV | CCTV Systems by CCTV SurveillanceIntelligent video surveillance technology has a plethora of benefits for police authorities in town centres, transportation networks and many other public and private facilities.

    The presence of CCTV can reduce graffiti, loitering and anti-social behaviour, whilst at the highest-level it assists in the prevention and investigation of national security issues. However, the same high-quality digital video recording and advanced video content analytics solutions can have an important and impactful role within the police station itself.

    Whether it is for internal review or as part of the judicial process, police stations are under constant pressure to prove that from the moment an individual enters the building to the time they leave, the correct procedures are fully observed in relation to the custody process.

    Having a CCTV system implemented throughout the station to monitor and record images in the areas in which a person held in custody will visit, such as the charge desk, halls, corridors and custody suites, provides a real-time and full historic record of every movement made during this time.

    These images can be used to prove or disprove physical ill treatment, but it is not enough information to demonstrate that procedural compliance, in relation to what was or wasn’t said. For this reason it is important to synchronise CCTV seamlessly with audio, strategically placing microphones (such as at the charge desk and interview rooms) to capture conversations and statements made between an officer, other staff, official representative and the person in custody.

    Of course it is important to have within such a system the ability to securely screen areas of any camera’s view to meet privacy and human rights requirements, but still enable a suitably authorised investigating officer to remove the privacy screen from recordings in the event of a serious incident

    Integrating with other systems

    With images and audio being recorded and stored together digitally the benefits many forces already recognise (especially within their command and control rooms) for archiving, retrieval and disclosure purposes are realised for internal affairs.

    With the internal surveillance system in place (whether at a single site or more likely across multiple locations) it is possible to integrate with the many other security and life-safety systems such as intercom and access control, and the provision of user interfaces that are specifically designed to facilitate custody management, including automatic display of cell cameras, instant replay and reporting.

    The implementation and management of such intelligent systems have become far easier and more resource efficient as increasing numbers of police authorities choose IP technology to cope with the amount of information that is required to move across their networks (from the station to the headquarters, or between individual departments).

    Clearly, the cameras and microphones must be situated within the station. However the monitoring and recording of information can be situated off-site, enabling multiple stations to be monitored and information recorded from a single central location. This enables costs and resources to be distributed and provides a central accessible repository for intelligence when needed.

    From the collation of evidence, to ensuring the security and safety of the police officer, the general public and the people in custody, the use of high-quality digital video recording and advanced video content analytics solutions are today becoming an integral part of the judicial process.

  5. The Future: Intelligent CCTV Systems

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    The Future: Intelligent CCTV Systems from CCTV SurveillanceVideo Analytics is set to be the biggest new move forward for the CCTV industry, with ‘intelligent’ CCTV able to make decisions and analyse the video data it recieves.

    It is an ill-informed opinion that all CCTV enables is the ability to review an event after it has already taken place or to ‘spy’ on passers by. New technologies are able to analyse the video data captured, alongside the use of triggers, to prompt security actions for certain events or situations.

    The ‘intelligent’ analysis of CCTV has been a sought-after solution for many years, yet with the increase of systems offering motion detection and analysis, it is becoming more available and affordable for businesses. Essentially the CCTV system looks for configured triggers and know how to react when they happen. Therefore by knowing how to react to situations, the security system can become proactive rather than reactive, preventing situations rather than dealing with the aftermath.

    For more information on how CCTV security systems can be used within your business, and how CCTV Surveillance can enable better usage of your CCTV system contact us for a free security audit.

  6. CCTV for the Public Sector is money well spent

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    CCTV for the Public Sector| CCTV Surveillance SystemsThe British Security Industry Association claims public spending on CCTV is worthwhile to secure public safety. That’s its response to an online report highlighting concerns over the rise in the number of CCTV cameras controlled by local councils over the past decade.

    In its report, published in December, Big Brother Watch – an offshoot of the Taxpayers’ Alliance – questions the effectiveness of CCTV in deterring or solving crimes, arguing that money currently spent on expanding CCTV networks would be better utilised by employing more police on the beat.

    However, according to Pauline Norstrom, BSIA CCTV Section chairman, that is an inaccurate definition of CCTVs role within security and safety. "Time and again the police take advantage of CCTV images to reconstruct events, identify offenders and make high-profile calls for public support in their enquiries" and "images are frequently called upon in the criminal justice system to help secure prosecutions".

    Pauline Nordstrom also illustrates that "a more realistic comparison would have taken into account the anticipated operational life of the CCTV system, thereby dramatically reducing the number of police officers that could be employed using the equivalent funds".

    CCTV is a valuable weapon in the fight against crime and terrorism and getting the right system for your business is becoming even more imperative. The value of effective CCTV systems is something which is increasingly being recognised by governments and municipal authorities worldwide and CCTV Surveillance can realise your CCTV requirements.

    CCTV Surveillance has the knowledge to install the right system for your business, ensuring maximum security and safety. We are able to uniquely customise each cctv system to your requirements.

    The argument for CCTV does not go hand-in-hand with advocating a ‘big brother’ culture, yet, CCTV systems do need to be used effectively and responsibly. Contact us today to find out how we can make your business safer and more secure whilst complying with governmental regulations.

  7. Peterborough United FC Install Turnstile Monitoring System

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    CCTV Surveillance Case Study: Peterborough United Football Club

    In July 2008, Peterborough United were exploring the possibilities to improve the turnstile monitoring and CCTV systems at the London Road Stadium. Having compared numerous options, the decision was made by the management team including CEO Bob Symns, to install a bespoke  turnstile monitoring system and for CCTV Surveillance to maintain their existing CCTV system.

    The Posh chose the custom designed Tensor turnstile monitoring system as it was the only solution that fully fitted the brief and they “already knew the staff and they offered us a good working relationship.”

    Office Manager, Mary Faxton said the main advantages of Tensor over its competitors were “service and price.” Mary was particularly impressed that the turnstile monitoring system “offered much more information than our old system.

    The turnstile system monitors the flow rate of fans around London Road Stadium, providing accurate and up to date reports on stadium activity and capacity. The CCTV Surveillance reporter asked Mary what she liked most about the turnstile system “the new turnstile computer system is very accurate and easy to use,” she said.

    The CCTV system monitors both internal and external crowd activity reporting directly to the police/safety control centre. This enables the football club to accurately manage the safety and security of both the fans and the ground.

    After the system was installed, the safety officer and general managers were trained on how to use the CCTV and turnstile systems and the associated PC software. “Informative and exceptional” was how Peterborough United staff evaluated the quality of the training.

    Peterborough United have used the Tensor operations department a couple of times, both in installation and maintenance, describing their work as “excellent.

    When Mary was asked if she would recommend Tensor and CCTV Surveillance to other companies, “yes” was the reply. She then summed up by saying “the CCTV system, turnstile monitoring system and services provided by CCTV Surveillance and Tensor are all excellent.

  8. Keep Thieves From Your Door

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    Homes and businesses left empty at Christmas make easy pickings for burglars. Securing your property not only gives you peace of mind, but can also cut your insurance premiums. So how can you protect your premises, even when you aren’t there?

    Electronic Deterrents

    A recent survey of convicted burglars showed that of the 35 interviewed, two-thirds rated alarms highly for deterring a break-in, 63% said that they would probably or definitely not burgle a property which had digital CCTV and 86% believed security lighting could be an effective deterrent.

    Security on the Cheap

    Have a noisy property. A front drive or roadway with deep gravel creates a loud crunching noise to deter trespassers. For those who live or work in the country and have a bit of land, geese make for excellent security and a gaggle can be bought for less than £100. They make an ear-splitting racket when disturbed at night, are cheap to feed and can live to at least 20.

    Thorny shrubs beside windows and property boundaries are great for ripping tell-tale bits of clothing and impaling uninvited guests. But beware growing a hedge that provides cover. Potential muggers and burglars may also use the undergrowth to spy on your property and launch an unexpected attack.

    Digital CCTV Surveillance

    If you are looking to install a digital CCTV security system on your premises then why not consider a system from CCTV Surveillance. We are experts in providing CCTV systems for industrial, commercial and domestic premises.

    All of our systems provide the evidence quality footage needed for the pictures to be used by the Police for investigative purposes. Whether you require a covert CCTV system or just a regular CCTV solution, contact us for the best deals.

  9. Outdated CCTV To Go Digital

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    The future of many outdated CCTV systems is coming into clearer focus as many councils, organisations and companies are taking the decision to upgrade to digital. Suprisingly, cost is no longer the primary factor taken into consideration when thinking about moving to this new technology – the benefits of installing a digital CCTV system over analogue speak for themselves.

    Crime-monitoring systems across the UK have inherently suffered from years of under-investment and complaints about picture quality. Many outdated CCTV systems can only rely on providing a visual deterrent as the footage generated is often not good enough to be used as evidence in a court of law.

    With digital CCTV systems coming down in price, an increasing number of organisations are opting to replace the outdated parts of their CCTV network. Not only do upgrades to older systems produce a system that is much more reliable with far clearer footage, it will also invariably mean conformation to the UK Police Requirements.

    The most common upgrade for a CCTV system is the replacement of ailing analogue video recorders. A hard disc solution provided by a DVR allows a huge amount of footage to be stored from multiple cameras across your network.

    By upgrading certain parts of your network, you can infintely improve the way your security system operates. Often there is no need to replace CCTV cameras already on your network if they provide good enough footage of your site.

    Obviously, it is wise to seek professional advice from an approved CCTV installation company if you are looking to upgrade your system as opposed to installing a brand new network.

    CCTV Surveillance Ltd are experienced CCTV suppliers who are able to provide you with all the assistance you need to implement a system tailored to your requirements. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange for an engineer to visit your site.

  10. DVRs That Deliver

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    The working group tasked with drawing up the UK police requirements code relating to the use of cctv footage as evidence in a court of law has consulted widely with bodies including the Association of British Insurers, Law Society and Home Office Scientific Development Branch.

    Input has also been gained from officers on the front line such as police forensic experts to help shape and strengthen the draft document.

    This is a fast moving technology sector and the group was firm in its decision not to focus on the digital technology itself, but instead concentrate on what DVRs should deliver in terms of providing credible images to use as evidence in court.

    Particular emphasis has been placed on areas including image quality and authenticity, storage and playback of these images, as well as audit trail procedures.

    Looking at some of these in more detail, the code recognises that there are two key elements involved in ensuring image authenticity from DVRs, namely the areas of image protection / authentication techniques and the integrity of the DVR unit itself. In the past, the police gained reassurance when handling VHS tapes from being able to physically touch the original recording medium.

    The difference when using digital technology is that evidence is extracted from the equipment’s hard drive and then copied onto removable media such as a CD/DVD, raising a number of question marks that the working group has sought to answer.

    Image authentication techniques such as data encryption, a process called check summing (involving use of an algorithm base on unique key data) and digital watermarking are also reviewed in the code. Sufficient and demonstrable controls are required to prevent unauthorised access to storage media, while playback of electronic images should conform to a number of parameters including the key area of time and date information integrity.

    One way in which DVRs offer advantages over older tape recording and storage technology lies in their ability to digitally enhance images in a variety of different ways, an area the working group has tackled in the code by providing clear guidance relating to original or master images and the export of images for playback on different media.

    Watertight evidence

    The code additionally addresses the need for robust audit trail procedures to cover the processes that lead from the initial recording of the original images by CCTV camera right through to their subsequent presentation as evidence in court, so as to convincingly demonstrate they have not been tampered with at any point in between.

    These procedures overlap with the need for correct operator training that covers the proper way to securely process evidential material.

    One serious concern is that, unless these audit trails and operator procedures stand up to scrutiny in court, the Crown Prosecution Service may not be able to use the CCTV images in the first place or defence lawyers will later be able to pull holes in the evidence presented, potentially jeopardising the case and undermining a significant raison d’