Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. Digital CCTV body cameras allow the best choice of lens to monitor your site

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    Home Office minister Damian Green ID card“The scheme represented the worst aspect of Government. It was intrusive, bullying, ineffective and expensive,” was the verdict of Home Office minister Damian Green on the recent axing of a national identity card programme via a parliamentary bill. He continued: “That’s why the first Home Office Bill of this Coalition Government has scrapped ID cards and the National Identity Register.” Green added that the Government is committed to scaling back the power of the state and restoring civil liberties.

    Surveillance camera technology is a vital weapon in monitoring exactly who is on your premises, and ascertaining identity . Digital CCTV body cameras are supplied in more conventional CCTV bodies. Body cameras are usually higher quality than bullet cameras, and our range is no exception. We sell body cameras from all major manufacturers and can configure a system exactly to your requirements. Digital CCTV body cameras require a lens to be attached to them and these generally have to be bought separately, but this allows you to choose the best lens for your needs.

  2. Surveillance camera devices can be added to modular security network

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    'Be Aware' tune beats the burglarHayley Parsons of Rogerstone,’s chief executive, said about a new campaign using their popular character: “Children love the character and like to sing-along to the ‘Go Compare’ song. If they now sing the ‘Be Aware’ tune to their parents, that will really help get the ‘Beat the Burglar’ message home.” She was referring to an advertisement in which teamed up with Gwent Police helping them fight crime. Most production costs were met through’s corporate social responsibility agenda.

    Go compare CCTV Surveillance Ltd products, which are unbeatable in protecting your premises from break-ins via our deterrent camera network. DVRs supplied by CCTV Surveillance allow continuous high quality digital CCTV recording for days and weeks at a time. Our devices can be added to our parent company Tensor’s modular security networks to provide your site with a total Access Control solution. Installing a T3512 door access system is just the beginning to providing your organisation with a platform and route for installing digital CCTV and other Tensor products.

  3. Digital CCTV system enables cameras to be viewed through a single PC monitor

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    BP garage raidedA village petrol station had to be closed the morning after a robbery. Police officers and crime scene investigators were called out to the garage, owned by petroleum giants BP, on the A36 Salisbury Road in Hampshire and the area was sectioned off for examination. It is understood no-one was hurt in the raid, and no weapons were thought to be used.

    CCTV Surveillance Ltd are the market leaders in installing and maintaining cutting edge camera technology, which is useful for protecting isolated sites like petrol stations. Not only affordable by big business, digital CCTV is now available to the open market due to significant reductions in price and availability. A digital CCTV system works extremely well as a standalone system, and can also be fully integrated with any previously installed Tensor access control or visitor monitoring equipment to provide a top-notch security network. Compared to analogue CCTV, a far greater number of CCTV cameras can be connected to your network and viewed, all through a single PC monitor.

  4. Dedicated digital video recorder can be located either onsite or offsite

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    Ambulance Service (NEAS) introducing CCTVNorth East Ambulance Service (NEAS) has stepped up security practices by introducing CCTV in its vehicles to record any attacks on members of staff. The new measure is designed to provide proof of any attack that may be needed in any subsequent court cases. A spokeswoman for NEAS said: “The aim of the cameras is to observe attacks on paramedics. The evidence can then be used in any legal action we take following an incident. Also, as more people know about them, we hope they will act as a deterrent.”

    CCTV Surveillance Ltd are market leaders in installing and maintaining cutting edge camera technology which helps protect your site or premises. The CCTV footage generated by your camera network is recorded on a dedicated digital video recorder (DVR), which can be located either onsite or offsite. The recording function is triggered by motion detectors or movement on a CCTV camera. A sophisticated buffering facility means that the DVR also records events of up to five minutes previous to the trigger.

  5. Multi site CCTV viewing facility makes the management of sites more efficient

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    crime manager for Hartlepool PoliceDetective Chief Inspector Jon Green, crime manager for Hartlepool Police, is celebrating the fact that a clampdown has resulted in crime plummeting in the town. Two hundred fewer crimes were registered than in the same month last year. Police have targeted issues like crime associated with the night-time economy. He said: "Crime within Hartlepool has far and wide reaching effects, not only on victims but also on the town’s economy and it is imperative we do everything we can to make the area a safer, more attractive place to live and work.”

    A CCTV network from CCTV Surveillance Ltd will aid the detection of crime in and around your office or site. Our software provides versatility in that images from multiple cameras can be viewed from one screen. Its site tree facility allows servers and individual cameras to be accessed quickly, and the inclusion of the multi-site viewing facility makes the management of sites more efficient and responses to events even quicker. Password and security features limit the viewing of certain cameras to specific groups of people.

  6. Where to go for standards of excellence in CCTV installation and service

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    ISO 9001A study by Dr Emmeline Taylor on the use of CCTV in schools in England and Wales found many schools were failing under the Data Protection Act (DPA) to inform pupils and visitors that they were being monitored. Dr Taylor, as part of her PHD, surveyed 24 secondary schools, of which 23 had CCTV in operation. Gordon Ferrie, chief executive of CameraWatch, the UK’s independent advisory body on DPA compliance for CCTV, said: “It is no excuse to pass the buck to others when the law is clear.”

    The CCTV Surveillance commitment to quality affects all aspects of the business and this can be evidenced through our commitment to achieving external recognition of the company. Among these is the ISO 9001 Accreditation ISO 9001, which is a quality assurance model that applies to organisations that produce, install, and service products. CCTV Surveillance was assessed by National Quality Assurance Ltd and achieved the ISO 9001 certification in September 2005. By achieving certification and accreditation standards we are meeting international standards of excellence in our service.

  7. Large DVR capacity allows digital CCTV recording for weeks on end

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    CCTV cameras could have to be installed in all new taxis licensed in Brighton and Hove to stop drivers snubbing the disabled. At present the arrangement is optional, but the compulsory move has not been backed by taxi drivers even though a multi-organisation report suggested CCTV would give drivers greater protection and more evidence when they are involved in incidents. Cab drivers say the measures will deprive them of their privacy as the cameras will not be switched off even if they are using the vehicle in their own time.

    Digital security and surveillance camera systems from CCTV Surveillance Ltd have a product suitable for any business or home environment. DVRs supplied by us allow continuous high quality digital CCTV recording for days and weeks at a time, and can store footage for a number of CCTV cameras present on your network without the risk of degradation. Combining multiple internal hard disks, the JBOD storage system can enhance any CCTV network by increasing the already large storage capacity supported on your DVR.

  8. Historical footage can be viewed remotely through CCTV software

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    Lead theftLead (currently a very highly sought after heavy metal by criminal gangs) has been stolen from a Dorset sub-station owned by energy giants Scottish and Southern Electrical. The act most probably occurred during the night – or long evenings now we are in winter – from the building. Anyone with information about the theft is urged to contact Dorset Police on 01305 222222.

    There is more of a chance of criminals striking during the long hours of darkness now we are in winter, as it gives them more cover in which to steal. CCTV Surveillance Ltd can uniquely customise your CCTV system to your requirements and provide valuable maintenance for the future. One of the main features of our CCTV networks is that they are integrated to work with a standard PC monitor. This has been achieved through the development of sophisticated CCTV software. Remote management of your CCTV network via LAN, WAN, or the internet is also possible through the CCTV software. Historical footage can be viewed remotely, and DVR setup parameters can be configured.

  9. Monitor any number of surveillance cameras from one PC to deter theft

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    cycle 1,000 balloons stolenPolice are chasing the perpetrators of a break-in when a clown’s cycle plus 1,000 balloons for making balloon animals were stolen. The popular Welsh entertainer ‘Uncle Sam’ said he believed the £500 unicycle was stolen for its scrap metal value as the thieves also took copper wiring as well as the balloons. He commented: "I’m just hoping with a public appeal it will jog someone’s memory. I use it for carnivals and fetes more in the summer.”

    Whatever your requirements for deterring crime, a large factory or a small home or business, CCTV Surveillance Ltd specialists are available to help customers get the best from their camera system. CCTV cameras can be installed to monitor all movement on your site. This is not only a useful surveillance solution during periods of inactivity, it also enables you to visually track visitors and employees around your site. Whether it is covert or overt, indoor or outdoor, stationary or moving cameras, new technology means you can monitor any number of cameras from one PC.

  10. Global engineering support is benefit of upgrading security with CCTV Surveillance

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    Key NoteSecurity market analysis body Key Note says the UK CCTV market has "great potential for growth". The report by the organisation states that the UK “remains a strong market for CCTV, with great potential for further growth if and when the economy stabilises”. It claims the CCTV sector could ‘rebound’ well following the recession. A statement from Key Note explains: “As and when the economy begins to stabilise, there is potential for growth through upgrades to better technological systems such as Internet Protocol (IP).”

    At CCTV Surveillance Ltd we supply a big range of digital surveillance cameras at excellent value, so that your company can take advantage of our expertise when your profits recover from the slump. Recognising that many companies rely on round-the-clock functionality, we provide a team of hardware engineers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Benefits of our support network include: global engineering support; remote modem support for immediate diagnosis and fault resolution; professional manuals for all products; and telephone helpdesk hotline support and advice.