Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. Facial Recognition – An Important Tool in the Fight against COVID-19 in the University Sector

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    Facial recognition can play a very important role in reducing the spread of COVID 19 in universities and the higher education sector, industry experts Herta believe.

    Numerous universities and colleges are seeking technological innovations that will enable them to keep their campuses open throughout the pandemic. Undoubtedly, this is a significant challenge for everyone working directly at a university or indirectly, especially for the administrators and security teams. It’s of utmost importance to provide students, staff, visiting parents and family members with a hygienic, seamless and preferably touchless identity management starting in physical access control.

    Facial recognition is one of the main technological innovations that is helping to fight the spread of COVID-19 in the education sector. It’s being implemented to secure classrooms, building dormitories, athletic facilities, cafeterias and other entrances in several universities.

    Many other universities have already started evaluating the technology as it offers real advantages when it comes to security and becoming a COVID-19 proof organization. Below a list of the benefits:

    • Highly accurate and secure, even with masks
    • COVID-19 Proof (touchless)
    • Affordable (implementation can be finished within a week)
    • Hygienic
    • Results in great student experience
    • Provide traceable accountability
    • Flexible and scalable to multiple locations
    • No misplaced or stolen badges
    • No forgotten passwords
    • Integration with existing access control systems is painless

    Bonus benefits:

    • Existing wiring from a card-reader can be re-used for single or dual-factor authentication
    • Simple enrollment of new students, staff or visitors

    CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

  2. Facial Recognition System in Australia to Act as Gateway to Government Services

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    A facial recognition system upgrade worth more than $250 million will be deployed by Australian federal government in order to allow the public to use facial recognition to access more government services such as JobSeeker, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    Soon people will be required to use facial recognition to register to vote, apply for welfare payments, and file for bankruptcy while welfare recipients will also need to use this technology to access government benefits.

    According to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, he hopes to make it easier and safer for businesses and individuals to use government services, which saves time and money.

    The prime minister also noted that this plan boosts the country’s economic recovery by removing outdated regulations, boosting small businesses’ competence, and support the advancement of technology across the economy.

    Currently, there are more than 1.16 million businesses and 1.6 million individuals who are already using facial recognition to access 70 online services offered by the government.

    CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric access control technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

  3. ANPR systems to help improve pedestrian safety in Bath

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    ANPR cameras will monitor a temporary bus gate at a busy junction in Bath and help enforce the issuing of fines to make sure the zone is safe for pedestrians and cyclists, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The bus lane restriction, which came into force on 6th July, allows only buses to travel along the one-way Milsom Street up to the junction with Quiet Street between 10am and 6pm, providing more space for people to keep their distance and enjoy the traffic-free zone.

    Until now, Bath & North East Somerset Council wardens have been on site to monitor the temporary restriction and barrier to prevent access, but automatic number plate recognition cameras (ANPR) have now been installed in line with the other bus gates in the city and will be switched on at the beginning of October when the barriers are removed.

    Anyone in contravention of the restriction will receive an automatic Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) of £60 (reduced to £30 if paid in the first 14 days) which will also contain details of how they can appeal if they believe the PCN has been incorrectly issued.

    All vehicles are also prohibited from parking, loading and waiting except for in the authorised and designated loading bays between the hours of 6pm and 10am.

    The temporary measure is part of the council’s response to the government directive to create more space for pedestrians and cyclists in busy locations and encourage active travel.


    CCTV Surveillance has a proven long-term experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements, including here our extensive range of ANPR solutions.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  4. Welsh Government urged to make the use of CCTV surveillance cameras in slaughterhouses compulsory

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    The installation of CCTV surveillance cameras in slaughterhouses should become compulsory in Wales, similar to England and Scotland, the Welsh Government is being urged.

    In Wales there is funding through the Food Business Investment Scheme for the installation of cameras in abattoirs but it is a voluntary scheme and only one application has so far received a payment.

    Eight applications were made for grants, four of which were to enable or upgrade CCTV systems to monitor animal welfare, but to date only one grant payment of £2,689 to install CCTV in a slaughterhouse has been paid.

    The most recent publicly available statistics, published in 2016, showed that only eight of 23 operational slaughterhouses in Wales had any form of CCTV; these included the three largest sites in Wales.

    “Not only will this bring our legislation in line with England and Scotland, it will also provide reassurance to the public that high animal welfare standards are being maintained throughout Wales,’’ said the Welsh Conservatives’ shadow minister for rural affairs, Janet Finch-Saunders MS.

    The Welsh Government said Wales has some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world and this issue is taken “very seriously” throughout the food chain, including at slaughterhouses.

    CCTV Surveillance – Experts in Designing, Deploying and Maintaining High-End CCTV Surveillance Solutions

    If you’re representing a public authority or you’re simply interested in installing a highly-secure, latest-generation, high-end CCTV video surveillance system, capable of delivering a high-definition, top-notch video recording and playback experience, then you should look no further than CCTV Surveillance, since our company delivers both the advanced products and the set of skills required to match the customer’s exact requirements, while also keeping well within the budget limits.

    Our latest-generation digital HD video cameras can be installed in virtually any location and offer very good quality, high-resolution images, even in low-light conditions. Moreover, the range of infra-red cameras we work with also enables great visibility during night-time, an increasingly popular feature within the CCTV segment.

    Plus, beside the actual cameras and infrastructure, our lineup also includes a range of digital video recording solutions and control software, designed to help users easily review CCTV footage, at the best possible quality.

    If you’d like to find out more about the range of products provided by CCTV Surveillance, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries. 

  5. CCTV Systems to be deployed by Network Rail at bridges in its network

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    Network Rail will deploy CCTV systems at those bridges in its network most vulnerable to being hit by vehicles in order to help reduce delays and identify those responsible, a recent news report has been able to suggest.

    The cameras will capture images of the bridge deck and allow faster examination in the event of a collision.

    Network Rail said it will allow structural engineers to examine the footage and witness damage as it is caused, which would be particularly useful if the vehicle leaves the scene.

    The top 10 most-struck bridges in the Anglia region will be fitted with the CCTV systems by the end of August.

    The move comes as Network Rail said there were 1,787 bridge strikes in 2019, with the most costly single strike amounting to £1.8m in train delay costs.

    Most of the vehicles that hit railway bridges are HGVs and buses, at an average cost of around £13,000 per strike. The damage costs UK taxpayers approximately £23m a year.

    Ellie Burrows, Network Rail route director, said: “Bridge strikes are a significant safety risk and cause widespread disruption and delays for passengers. While this new system will reduce delays, I can’t stress enough how important it is for drivers to know the height of their vehicle and plan ahead to prevent these serious incidents happening in the first place.

    “Drivers who chance it at bridges are at risk of losing their licenses and leaving their employers with a hefty bill for repairs and train delay costs, along with a strong threat to their own O-licence.”


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition CCTV software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition, and even facial recognition access control systems if required.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  6. Herta Security Announces New Facial Recognition Solutions for the “New Normal”

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    Award-winning facial recognition technology company – and CCTV Surveillance partners – Herta Security have recently announced a number of new solutions aimed at enhance safety using computer vision analytics.

    These solutions include:

    Social Distancing – Avoiding crowds and crowded spaces will be a new normality in our daily lives, as part of social distancing to avoid the spread of the pandemic. The Herta crowd density application monitors the proximity of individuals in a crowd, by focusing on a specific frame of a chosen monitored area, and sending an alert when a high density is detected.

    Occupancy Control – Another post-pandemic preventative measure is reduced venue capacity, whether it be a workplace, a cafe or a shopping mall. Every business owner will be liable for ensuring their capacity abides by local laws and restrictions. Keep your business safe with clientele under the right count.

    Mask Detection – Ensuring that customers and staff operate in a safe environment is a key issue. In many countries, citizens are required to wear a mask in certain establishments. The Mask Detection module will make sure that everyone protects themselves and others around them by wearing a face mask.

    Subject Identification – The Herta algorithms are able to detect and identify subjects even with large facial occlusions. Hence, they can now be used to identify people even when they are wearing a mask. Companies using BioAccess as their access control system will no longer require subjects to remove their mask in a potentially high-risk zone – such as in an airport or a busy lobby. Keep a healthy and safe environment, whilst protecting your premises at the same time.

    CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric access control technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

  7. Global IP CCTV Camera Systems Poised for Strong Growth Until 2025

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    The global IP CCTV Camera Systems is set to reach USD 18.6 Million by 2025 with the CAGR of 19.8% over the forecast period, a recent market research report has been able to suggest.

    The research paper from Brandessence Market Research and Consulting points out that the significant rise in demand for advanced security technologies in industrial facilities to ensure the safety & security of workers is the key factor driving the growth of Global IP Camera Market.

    Furthermore, the increasing demand for advanced security technologies in the banking and finance sector is also accelerating the IP camera market growth as it is critical for financial systems to have sound security measures in place.

    As banks add more connected cameras to their security environments, it becomes increasingly difficult for security teams to keep up with the volume of data. Applying a video management system (VMS) supports IT control with artificial intelligence, predictive analytics software and other tools that automate security signals and makes it easier to respond to intimidations.

    IP-based video cameras are also creating new opportunities for channel players as customers look beyond simple surveillance to a new generation of video analytics designed to deliver business insights. However, high costs involved and the privacy concerns may hamper the growth of IP camera market. In spite of that, the growing demand for these systems in non-security applications such as integration with access control systems in smart home automation, e-Point of Sale (POS) terminals, Automatic Number-Plate Recognition (ANPR) are poised to supply extra opportunities for the further growth of the market.

    CCTV Surveillance – Expert Suppliers and Installers of IP CCTV Camera Systems

    IP CCTV video surveillance solutions (also known as networked cameras, IP CCTV cameras, Network Cameras, Internet-enabled security cameras or web cameras) are the future of video monitoring installations, as they deliver superior HD-grade image quality and ease of use at a very affordable price point.

    Networked cameras convert video and audio feeds into data, which is then streamed over a network or an Internet connection to just about anywhere around the world. Since they often use existing network points and cabling for faster and easier setup, IP cameras are also a most cost-effective and easily scalable solution than analogue CCTV systems.

    Beside supporting a superior level of flexibility in terms of installation options, IP CCTV cameras also deliver a significantly higher image quality than analogue solutions, with megapixel HD-grade models recording evidence-grade footage that can be easily and rapidly stored onto a standalone network video recorder or on dedicated network storage and retrieved.

    Furthermore, IP CCTV solutions can be integrated in a much more seamless fashion with other existing IT systems, in order to deliver centralised control and monitoring. Data from other security devices and from business systems can be associated with IP CCTV images and recordings to provide full ‘situational awareness’, while cameras can be easily controlled and monitored even from a web browser, due to the built-in remote operation capabilities.

    CCTV Surveillance supplies a full range of IP CCTV cameras and network solutions, designed to meet and exceed and customer’s requirements, regardless of the site’s size, location or particular features.

  8. CCTV video analytics technology can help improve safety on smart motorways

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    Using latest-generation video analytics technology can help bolster security and response times on smart motorways by ensuring that vehicles that have come to a stop on motorways without a hard shoulder are automatically detected and warnings triggers, a new Department for Transport (DfT) report reveals.

    The term ‘smart motorway’ describes three types of motorway design: controlled motorways which use variable speed limits and overhead signs to manage traffic flows; all-lane running where the hard shoulder is permanently used as a running lane and which have emergency stopping areas every 0.3-1.6 miles; and dynamic hard shoulder motorways where the hard shoulder is used some of the time as a running lane. The idea is that if someone breaks down, motorway control room staff can ‘close’ the affected lane using gantry signs and thereby isolate the breakdown for further assistance.

    The DfT report, published last week, outlines measures for improving the safety of motorways without a permanent hard shoulder. It includes a pledge to complete the installation of radar-based stopped vehicle detection (SVD) – which automatically triggers signs on overhead gantries and alerts control rooms of stopped vehicles enabling immediate action to be taken – on all-lane running stretches of motorway within three years.

    The report also reveals that Highways England has been running a small-scale trial using video analytics to automatically detect stationary vehicles, and will be carrying out a larger trial of this technology using existing smart motorway cameras. Cameras may also be used for automatically detecting violations of and enforcing the ‘red X’ lane closure signs, while cameras themselves will be upgraded.


    Video Analytics is the latest-generation development in the field of video surveillance solutions, designed to help customers further improve the overall effectiveness of their CCTV security solution.

    The system monitors video streams coming from analog, digital, or IP CCTV cameras in near real-time and automatically creates current security alerts when recognizing specific types of events and activities, prompting the operator to act.

    A Video Analytics solution can also be used for analysing historical data to identify specific incidents and patterns (forensic analysis).

    Using a Video Analytics system to automatically monitor camera video feeds and alert for events of interest enables superior efficiency and cost reductions by eliminating the need for manual work and helping operators notice and respond to threats sooner, rather than later.

    The Video Analytics solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance features specific applications for perimeter protection intrusion management, crowd management and situation indication, which facilitate extensive, highly complex surveillance operations and highlight crucial decision data in a very visible manner.

    Video Analytics is a very practical and effective solution that meets the needs of all stakeholders involved in the surveillance system’s operation, including operators, security officers, and corporate managers.

    If you would like to find out more about the Video Analytics solutions developed by CCTV Surveillance, please contact our sales team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.

  9. Rapid increase in CCTV systems deployment to drive surveillance market growth

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    The rapid increase in the rate of CCTV systems’ deployment around the world will drive further market growth in this sector, a recent market research report has been able to suggest.

    The report published by Trusted Business Insights suggests that the global surveillance market is projected to reach US$ 95,328.5 Mn by 2028 at a CAGR of 10.7%.

    Typical surveillance systems consist of several pieces of equipment, such as cameras, monitors, drone systems and other equipment. The global surveillance market is expected to see robust growth in the forecast period owing to the rapid increase in the number of CCTV cameras and surveillance systems in commercial and residential buildings or apartments.

    Increased concerns regarding the growing global security threats are some of the other factors that have helped the market to grow with a rapid pace. Due to the increased usage of surveillance systems in emerging nations as well as developed economies, the market is anticipated to see high growth in the forecast period.

    Growth of target market is expected to drive by the factor such as safe city and smart city projects coming up in major cities of the world, growth of cinema halls and shopping malls globally, as well as the increased installation of surveillance systems in university and college campuses and rapid growth in the banking sector and number of ATMs and thus increased usage of cameras in this sector.

    The increased usage of cameras by the defence ministries of many countries for national security is also likely to drive forward growth in the surveillance sector.


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition CCTV software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition, and even facial recognition access control systems if required.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  10. Facial Recognition Systems’ Market to Continue Growth Despite COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The global facial recognition market is set to grow from USD 3.8 billion in 2020 to USD 4.5 billion by 2021, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 17.1% during the forecast period, a recent market research report has been able to suggest.

    The research paper from ResearchAndMarkets, titled “COVID-19 Impact on the Facial Recognition Market by Component (Software Tools and Services), Vertical (BFSI, Government & Defense, Retail & E-Commerce, Healthcare, Education, Automotive, and Others), and Region – Global Forecast to 2021” points out that the major growth factors in the facial recognition industry include government and companies worldwide shifting their focus on facial recognition from touch-based biometrics.

    The demand for services is on a surge during the pandemic due to a rise in the tailored demands of customers. The requirement of innovative cloud-based facial recognition solutions, which are effectively coupled with big data, AI, security, and network connectivity, is on a surge in different verticals. The adoption of cloud-based facial recognition is expected to rise in the coming years, as regulatory authorities of various countries are majorly focused on monitoring the health, safety, and surveillance of their citizens.

    Governments across the world are using facial recognition solutions and other surveillance technology for contact tracing to limit the spread of coronavirus. Countries such as Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and even some parts of India used contact tracing across digital and physical space. When an individual is admitted with COVID-19 symptoms, the government retrieves the data spanning 14 days before his/her travel history, purchases, people who came in contact. These people have been tested and asked to home quarantine themselves. This was possible with the help of facial recognition and other technology implementation in public and private areas.

    CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric access control technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).