Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. Removal of CCTV cameras by council leaves Selby residents distraught

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    The removal of CCTV cameras in the Flaxley area of Selby, North Yorkshire, by the District Council has left many of the local residents distraught and worried about the impact this move might have on the level of crime in the area.

    The cameras were removed as the Council struggles to meet the stringent cost reduction targets set by the Government. Following a review, the Selby District Council’s CCTV network is set to be reduced from 30 active surveillance cameras to just 10.

    Unfortunately, some of the cameras removed include those previously sited within a specially designated ‘safe route’ devised by the Council in 2006 to improve the safety of those returning home from nights out in the town centre late on weekend evenings.

    Taking into account the potential impact of listing the locations from where CCTV is to be removed, Selby District Council told a local media outlet that it would not pinpoint exactly where each of the cameras are – or were.

    Even so, since the cameras used to be placed in visible locations, it’s likely that criminals will not have much of a hard time identifying the ones that are missing.

    Installing an optimized CCTV network is what all local authorities should consider in the first place, in order to avoid situations such as the ones described above, and this is specifically where CCTV Surveillance can play an important role.

    We have an extensive experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  2. Code of practice for public space CCTV cameras comes into force

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    The government’s new code of practice for the use of CCTV surveillance cameras and ANPR systems by public bodies has just come into force across England and Wales, following concerns regarding the abuse or misuse of such systems.

    According to a news report on the matter, the new set of rules, despite being aimed specifically at public bodies, also encourages private operators to use it as a set of guidelines.

    Some of the code’s most important provisions include the fact that any surveillance system should always be used for a “specified purpose which is in pursuit of a legitimate aim and necessary to meet an identified pressing need”, while in the same time clearly considering its overall effects on individuals and their privacy.

    Additionally, all the surveillance systems and automatic number plate recognition systems should be as transparent as possible, provide clear responsibility and accountability for all surveillance activities including images and information collected, held and used, and also implement clear rules, policies and procedures that are clearly communicated to all who need to comply with them.

    The rules provide some interesting requirements regarding the data collected by said systems, suggesting the the public bodies should have no more images and information stored than that which is strictly required and also strictly restrict access to retained images and information.

    Furthermore, the surveillance systems should be subject to appropriate security measures to safeguard against unauthorised access and use and also have effective review and audit mechanisms to ensure legal requirements, policies and standards are complied with.

    Finally, the systems should only be used in the most effective way to support public safety and law enforcement with the aim of processing images and information of evidential value, when used in pursuit of a legitimate aim and also be accurate and kept up to date when any information is used to support a surveillance camera system which compares against a reference database for matching purposes.

    CCTV Surveillance has an extensive experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  3. Virgin Trains takes to Twitter to deny installing CCTV cameras in toilets

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    Virgin Trains was forced to publicly deny installing hidden CCTV surveillance systems in their trains’ toilets, after a huge Twitter row erupted over this issue a few days ago.

    According to a news report on this matter, the whole incident started when a passenger posted on the aforementioned social network his complaint regarding the alleged used of CCTV in the train’s toilet area.

    Apparently, a guard on a Manchester to London service informed the passengers that on-board toilets had been the target of vandalism and that the person responsible for the damage would be identified using CCTV footage.

    Following this announcement and a large number of complaints posted throughout various social networks, Virgin Trains were forced to take an official stand on the matter, saying that ‘There are no CCTV cameras in toilets. There are cameras in the areas around toilets on trains and at stations to prevent antisocial behaviour.’

    Even so, the communication blunders have slightly marred the company’s reputation, and it remains to be seen whether passenger numbers will be affected in any way or not.

  4. Market for CCTV and video surveillance equipment in Russia and Eastern Europe set to double from 2012 to 2017

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    The market for CCTV and video surveillance equipment in Russia and Eastern Europe is set to reach an impressive $1.26 billion by 2017, up from $581.4 million in 2012, a recent market research report from IMS Research has revealed.

    Demand for these high-end video surveillance offerings will increase during the run-up to the 2 major international sporting events set to be held in the region, namely the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and 2018 FIFA World Cup.

    “Threats from terrorism—especially at high-profile events—serve to heighten security concerns around the world,” said Aaron Dale, analyst for security and fire research at IHS.

    “Such concerns lead to an ongoing increase in funding for high-end networked video surveillance equipment, as authorities look to capitalise on the latest advances in technology. Interest exists not just in publicly funded enterprise projects but also in the private sector, particularly in retail and banking.”

    In Eastern Europe, network security cameras are estimated to account for 84% of security camera revenue in 2017, while in Russia, network security cameras by 2017 are forecast to account for 81% of security camera revenue. Networked security cameras last year accounted for only 58% of total revenue.

    If you’re representing a public authority or you’re simply interested in installing a highly-secure, latest-generation, high-end CCTV video surveillance system, capable of delivering a high-definition, top-notch video recording and playback experience, then you should look no further than CCTV Surveillance, since our company delivers both the advanced products and the set of skills required to match the customer’s exact requirements, while also keeping well within the budget limits.

    Plus, beside the actual cameras and infrastructure, our lineup also includes a range of digital video recording solutions and control software, designed to help users easily review CCTV footage, at the best possible quality. Additionally, all of our products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    If you’d like to find out more about the range of products provided by CCTV Surveillance, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.    

  5. CCTV cameras in Truro, Falmouth and Penryn to be manned by volunteers

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    A team of volunteers is set to take part in a multi-agency scheme to monitor CCTV cameras located across Truro, Falmouth and Penryn, as a part of a scheme touted as being the first of its kind of this size in Devon and Cornwall.

    As a news report in the local media has revealed, the initiative is part of a partnership involving Truro, Falmouth and Penryn Town Councils, together with Cornwall Council and Devon and Cornwall Police, and will see the 10-strong team monitor the CCTV cameras at a central monitoring centre in Truro.

    As expected, before being accepted in the CCTV monitoring team, all of the volunteers have been subjected to very thorough and strict security checks and have received professional training to national standards.

    The team of volunteers comprises people of varying ages (from their 20s to their 60s) and backgrounds, including retired people, a student, an IT specialist and part-time workers who want to help their community in their spare time – at least four hours each week.

    CCTV Surveillance also touts an extensive experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    One of the main features of our CCTV systems is that they are integrated to work with a standard PC monitor via sophisticated CCTV software that allows individual users to set their own criteria for viewing selected footage from particular CCTV cameras within the network. Password and security features limit the viewing of certain cameras to specific groups of people, enabling you to securely manage who is able to see particular areas of activity.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  6. New CCTV cameras go live in Stanwell in a bid to tackle crime

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    Four new CCTV cameras have been installed and commissioned in Stanwell, Surrey, by the Spelthorne Borough Council, following a campaign by the community to make the village safer.

    According to a news report on the matter, the Council secured funding for the new CCTV cameras as part of a legal agreement relating to the Stanwell New Start regeneration project.

    The borough consulted with residents who voted on where they wanted the cameras sited, and also set up a CCTV control room from where all the cameras will be continuously monitored by operators.

    The campaign by members of the local community started as the result of a crimewave targeting Asian communities in Stanwell, which began early last year and has affected dozens of families with watches, jewellery, currency and ornaments targeted by raiders.

    If you’re representing a public authority or you’re simply interested in installing a highly-secure, latest-generation, high-end CCTV video surveillance system, capable of delivering a high-definition, top-notch video recording and playback experience, then you should look no further than CCTV Surveillance, since our company delivers both the advanced products and the set of skills required to match the customer’s exact requirements, while also keeping well within the budget limits.

    Our latest-generation digital HD video cameras can be installed in virtually any location and offer very good quality, high-resolution images, even in low-light conditions. Moreover, the range of infra-red cameras we work with also enables great visibility during night-time, an increasingly popular feature within the CCTV segment.

    Plus, beside the actual cameras and infrastructure, our lineup also includes a range of digital video recording solutions and control software, designed to help users easily review CCTV footage, at the best possible quality. Plus, all of our products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    If you’d like to find out more about the range of products provided by CCTV Surveillance, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.     

  7. CCTV cameras installed in Stockport swimming pools causes serious public backlash

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    Stockport Council’s decision to have CCTV cameras installed in the borough’s swimming pools has been met with hostility, quite a large number of concerned parents expressing their deep concerns regarding this initiative.

    According to a report in the local media, the organization in charge of running the council’s leisure centres, Life Leisure, has installed (but not yet switched on) CCTV cameras within the leisure centres located at Grand Central in the town centre, Romiley, Hazel Grove, Cheadle, Marple and Avondale, in Cheadle Heath.

    Several parents have expressed their unhappiness to Life Leisure that cameras are in an area where youngsters will swim and that there are no warning signs up to tell people about them.

    However, a spokesman for Life Lesure said: “This is now quite commonplace in the leisure industry and follows a recommendation from an external audit to protect and ensure safety for all customers and staff.

    “Monitoring is done expressly for the protection of public, and consideration of the placement of cameras will be very sensitive to avoid areas that would reasonably be considered to be inappropriate.”

    Installing CCTV cameras that perfectly comply with existing regulations and also take into account feedback received from the general public is not always an easy task, but CCTV Surveillance will be able to fulfil it, since our company delivers both the advanced products and the set of skills required to match the customer’s exact requirements, while also keeping well within the budget limits.

    If you’d like to find out more about the range of products provided by CCTV Surveillance, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.     

  8. Humberside PCC to create £400,000 fund for community crime prevention schemes

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    A £400,000 community safety fund designed to help with the implementation of various crime prevention schemes will be set up in Humberside, the region’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Matthew Grove, has recently announced.

    As a report in the local media has revealed, residents in area will be able to easily apply for this scheme in order to obtain grants for crime prevention projects such as CCTV cameras, security gates, etc.

    The community safety pot will get the required funds from one-off savings that have been made in the budget – compared with the previous police authority – and unallocated money. The scheme will include £187,615 of permanent cash, with the remaining £223,694 only available this year.

    The final details of the scheme – including who will be eligible to receive grants and what the money can be spent on – have not yet been confirmed, but they should be available in the near future.

    However, if you’re planning to apply for this scheme (or a similar one) and you’re interested in installing a highly-secure, latest-generation, high-end CCTV video surveillance system, capable of delivering a high-definition, top-notch video recording and playback experience, then you should look no further than CCTV Surveillance, since our company delivers both the advanced products and the set of skills required to match the customer’s exact requirements, while also keeping well within the budget limits.

    Our latest-generation digital HD video cameras can be installed in virtually any location and offer very good quality, high-resolution images, even in low-light conditions. Moreover, the range of infra-red cameras we work with also enables great visibility during night-time, an increasingly popular feature within the CCTV segment.

    Plus, beside the actual cameras and infrastructure, our lineup also includes a range of digital video recording solutions and control software, designed to help users easily review CCTV footage, at the best possible quality. Plus, all of our products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    If you’d like to find out more about the range of products provided by CCTV Surveillance, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.    

  9. CCTV cameras to host Wi-Fi hotspots, Government suggests

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    CCTV cameras might soon double as a Wi-Fi hotspot, as a part of the Government’s £150 million DCMS Urban Broadband Fund plan, whose ultimate target is to bring 80Mbps or faster internet connections to UK cities.

    As media reports on this topic reveal, the DCMS policy paper outlines the cities where officials should invest in setting up these public Wi-Fi hotspots on street furniture, which could include CCTV cameras, lampposts, traffic lights or even benches.

    The future Wireless Concession Contract plan would allow Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to install Wi-Fi hotspots on these street items, which would in turn let them collect “fees and revenues”.

    Additionally, the the Urban Broadband Fund could also be used to improve the availability of Wi-Fi hotspots in public buildings like libraries, museums and council offices, as well as for making Wi-Fi services available on public transport in the UK, including buses, trains and the London Underground.

    This programme also touts a few provisions for the business segment, since the programme will also allow local businesses to apply for vouchers to cover the cost of fibre broadband installations.

    The extent of the retrofit programme and specific details regarding the hot-spot installation process are yet to be provided, but CCTV Surveillance‘s expertise will enable us to fully rise to the challenge and adapt any existing installations, need be.  

  10. Eccleshill business owners appeal for public CCTV system to deter criminals

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    Business owners in the village of Eccleshill, West Yorkshire, are pleading for the installation of a public CCTV surveillance system, following a steep increase in armed robberies, break-ins, vandalism, vehicle crime and drug-dealing over the past few years.

    According to a news report on the matter, business owners criticized in very harsh terms the situation in Eccleshill, some of them even going as far as saying that they would move their business elsewhere if they could. They also clearly expressed their strong belief that a public CCTV system would actually reduce the level of crime across the area.

    Police, on the other hand, said that Eccleshill does not have a particular problem with drugs, but that they have upped the number of patrols in the area following a rise in raids on retail premises.

    If you’re interested in installing a highly-secure, latest-generation, high-end CCTV video system, capable of delivering a high-definition, top-notch video recording and playback experience, then you should look no further than CCTV Surveillance, since our company delivers both the advanced products and the set of skills required to match the customer’s exact requirements, while also keeping well within the budget limits.

    Our latest-generation digital HD video cameras can be installed in virtually any location and offer very good quality, high-resolution images, even in low-light conditions. Moreover, the range of infra-red cameras we work with also enables great visibility during night-time, an increasingly popular feature within the CCTV segment.

    Plus, beside the actual cameras and infrastructure, our lineup also includes a range of digital video recording solutions and control software, designed to help users easily review CCTV footage, at the best possible quality. Plus, all of our products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    If you’d like to find out more about the range of products provided by CCTV Surveillance, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.