Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. Public CCTV system in Inverness set for expansion

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    The public CCTV surveillance system in Inverness is set to be expanded as of next month, with an extra camera being added in the Castle Wynd area, a news report in the local media has recently revealed.

    After this latest camera is added to the network, the number of devices covering the city will increase to 41. Police Scotland and Highland Council jointly run the system and use it to monitor for late night disorder and litter louts.

    Increasingly, camera footage has been used to detect road traffic offences and for finding missing people.

    In a report to Highland councillors, the system was used in 406 missing person cases in 2012/13 – 3% more than than three years ago. Police also used the cameras in dealing with road safety incidents on 356 occasions, an increase of 4%.

    CCTV Surveillance has an extensive level of experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    One of the main features of our CCTV systems is that they are integrated to work with a standard PC monitor via sophisticated CCTV software that allows individual users to set their own criteria for viewing selected footage from particular CCTV cameras within the network. Password and security features limit the viewing of certain cameras to specific groups of people, enabling you to securely manage who is able to see particular areas of activity.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  2. CCTV system set to be installed in Bransholme play park in order to tackle vandalism

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    A brand-new CCTV surveillance system worth around 12,000 pounds is set to be installed near a very popular play park in Bransholme, Kingston upon Hull, in order to tackle cases of vandalism in the area, a brand-new media report on the matter has revealed.

    Pupils from St Mary Queen of Martyrs Primary School, in Nidderdale, opened the play area at the beginning of November after working with designers and the North Carr Area team to draw up the plans.

    However, ever since then, a spate of vandalism in the park and the surrounding area has convinced local councillors to allocate funds towards creating a new protection scheme for the area.

    Bransholme West councillor Phil Webster said: “The woodland has proved to be an unbelievable success with young children in this area of Bransholme since it was opened last year.

    “But there have been a few incidents recently in and around the park and we just want to offer parents and children absolute protection.

    “Psychologically, it is better when people know there are cameras monitoring an area.

    “This is money well worth spending and we are happy to allocate it to this project.”

    CCTV Surveillance has an extensive level of experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    One of the main features of our CCTV systems is that they are integrated to work with a standard PC monitor via sophisticated CCTV software that allows individual users to set their own criteria for viewing selected footage from particular CCTV cameras within the network. Password and security features limit the viewing of certain cameras to specific groups of people, enabling you to securely manage who is able to see particular areas of activity.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  3. Council defends CCTV cameras issuing fines automatically

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    A London local council has defended its decision to install unattended CCTV cameras after they were criticized by motoring groups, a news report in the local media has revealed.

    Redbridge Council, who’s currently running a trial of an innovative CCTV system designed to run unattended and also automatically issue fines when required, claimed that the system was not selected to generate revenue, but rather in order to improve safety. A spokesman said: “These are being tested to help improve safety in areas where drivers are ignoring road traffic restrictions placing other road users and pedestrians at risk.”

    This comes after the system was under heavy fire by motoring groups such as the AA and RAC, who argued that the it was only meant to be used to make money rather than deter drivers from breaking the rules.

    The system employs advanced ANPR technology, capable of instantly reading the number plates of any vehicle that breaks the rules.

    CCTV Surveillance has a proven long-term experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements, including here our extensive range of ANPR solutions.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  4. ANPR CCTV trial set to tackle illegal parking in Durham

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    As part of a scheme to stop illegal parking around Durham City’s centre, the Durham County Council decided to install an Automatic Number Plate Recognition camera on a trial basis in the area, a news report in the local media has revealed.

    The camera is set to work between 8pm and 4am every night and anyone caught parking illegally could be hit with a fine, local authorities said.

    Councillor Neil Foster, the council’s cabinet member for economic regeneration, said: “We need to educate motorists that they have a responsibility to drive safely and responsibly, especially in busy areas such as Claypath.

    “We are hopeful that having a camera in place will serve as a reminder to people to think of others when driving in our city.”

    CCTV Surveillance has a proven long-term experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements, including here our extensive range of ANPR solutions.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  5. CCTV system in Ulverston could be shut down in April

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    Public CCTV surveillance systems installed and maintained by public authorities across the UK are being adversely affected by cuts in the available budgets, the latest to be affected being the camera network in Ulverston.

    According to a news report in the local media, the town’s councillors have decided not to support the town’s already outdated CCTV network any longer, describing it as “not fit for purpose” and complaining about the high operation and maintenance costs (£30,000 a year).

    Members of the South Lakeland District Council also revealed that, while a replacement system is being considered, the number of cameras in the town would be slashed from nine to just two, should the plans go ahead, because that’s all what the currently available funds will cover.

    CCTV Surveillance has a proven long-term experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    Furthermore, we make the most to customize your systems in order to deliver the best value for money, all within the limits of a pre-set budget.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  6. More CCTV cameras added in order to catch Newcastle’s rogue drivers

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    Multiple latest-generation CCTV cameras worth an estimated £80,000 are set to be installed at various locations across Newcastle in a bid to catch and issue a fine to anyone straying into the wrong carriageway, a news report in the local media has revealed.

    The cameras will be installed at the approach to the Tyne Bridge, at the Central Motorway on the Cowgate approach, the Great North Road between Clayton Road and Forsyth Road and one other location yet to be finalized.

    The scheme, set to be implemented across the city later this year, is part of a wide-scale project to introduce standardized bus lanes, which will be enforced by the local council, rather than the police.

    As part of this project, heavy goods vehicles will be banned from every existing no car lane in the city, except a few roads reserved for shop access around Barras Bridge and Percy Street, a plan that local authorities believe would tackle congestion and also ensure that all the funds recouped from fines (£60 for each occurrence) would be spent locally.

    CCTV Surveillance has a proven long-term experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  7. NHS Lothian to equip hospital car park staff with body cameras for protection

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    Car park staff at St John’s Hospital in Livingston will be issued with personal CCTV body cameras in order to ensure their protection and guard them against any unwanted incidents, a brand new report in the national media has revealed.

    Following a string of incidents that occurred over the past few months, health bosses decided that the staff should be granted a superior level of security, and they believe that the CCTV will act as a deterrent to drivers who become abusive, and be a “silent witness” against those who break the law.

    George Curley, director of operations facilities at NHS Lothian, said: “We have a zero-tolerance approach to violence and aggression in the workplace and a duty to protect our workforce.

    “Some of these drivers think that because no-one else is around to witness their unacceptable behaviour that they will get away with it. That will no longer be the case.”

    CCTV Surveillance supplies a full range of CCTV cameras designed to meet any customer’s specific needs and requirements, including here a variety of Digital CCTV Body Cameras.

    Digital CCTV Body Cameras are usually higher quality than bullet cameras and require a lens to be attached to them. This may be a long lens where the subject is at a distance or a wide angle lens if the subject is closer, e.g. in a corridor or room.

    Furthermore, vari-focal lenses can also be employed which allow you to manually adjust the zoom level of your body camera. This awards users the ability to shape a CCTV security system exactly to their requirements.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions and queries.

  8. CCTV system in Penzance, Cornwall, to be funded by rise in council tax

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    The Cornish town of Penzance is set to overhaul its existing CCTV system, but funding for the upgrade will be obtained by charging residents an extra 5 per cent a year in council tax in 2014-15, a news report in the local media has revealed.

    Upgrading the town’s existing CCTV system is likely to cost around £20,000, on top of £10,000 budgeted annually for CCTV monitoring.

    Replacing the CCTV was opposed by several councillors, since they claimed that originally the cost was to have been shared by bodies including the police and the business community.

    Nevertheless, local authorities claimed that this was a “a worst-case scenario”, and added that there might be opportunities in the future for the business community to extend the CCTV system as part of the Business Improvement District process.

    CCTV Surveillance has a proven long-term experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  9. Seaside town installs extensive CCTV system to combat shop burglaries

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    Local authorities in the seaside town of Southwold have decided to install a CCTV system designed to monitor high-street shops following a bout of burglaries in the area, a media news report on the matter has revealed.

    After ten shops were raided in the past 10 months, the authorities decided to finally take action and have a camera installed on Mights Road near the Buss Creek bridge. The camera will be the town’s first in a public area, as opposed to the ones installed by shops or by banks at cash machines.

    PC Chris Sadler said: “It’s not escaped some criminals’ notice that Southwold’s got some lovely shops and is not protected by CCTV.”

    CCTV Surveillance has a proven long-term experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions, that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  10. CCTV car catches 65 drivers flouting parking rules around Derby schools

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    A council vehicle with a CCTV camera fitted at the top has managed to capture 65 people parking in the “keep clear” areas of schools in Derby, each of the motorists now facing fines of up to £70 each, a news report in the local media has recently revealed.

    The spy CCTV car was used to monitor vehicle activity outside 22 schools in Derby, in the morning and afternoon. Ever since the monitoring operation started, 65 people were captured parking in the “keep clear” areas of schools in the city and now face fines of up to £70 each.

    As part of this crackdown, the council’s enforcement officers can issue penalty charge notices – carrying a fine of £70, reduced to £35 if paid quickly – if people park on school yellow zig-zag lines, on pavements and verges where there are yellow lines, or adjacent to a dropped kerb when a complaint is received.

    The 65 drivers comprised 23 in Normanton, 15 in Derwent, 10 in Darley Abbey, seven in Chaddesden, three each in Mickleover and Mackworth, two in Alvaston and one each in Chellaston and Allestree.

    CCTV Surveillance has an extensive level of experience in the installation and maintenance of both large and small CCTV systems capable of providing your site with a sophisticated monitoring system. By using the right cameras and DVR’s for your requirements you can be assured that your CCTV system will surpass your expectations.

    Our models of CCTV camera have colour CCD sensors, so footage will always be recorded in full colour. We also provide cameras with a range of facilities to cater for different light range or colours enabling clear pictures whether day or night.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions and queries.