Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. How CCTV Can Help Combat the Expected Post-Covid Rise in Crime

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    According to the Office of National Statistics, Police recorded theft offences decreased by 32% in the year ending March 2021 compared with the previous year. This was driven by decreases in offences such as theft from the person (56%), shoplifting (36%), burglary (30%) and vehicle offences (28%).

    Police recorded robbery offences decreased by 34% in the year ending March 2021 compared with the previous year. This contrasts with the upwards trend seen since the year ending March 2015.

    These falls were compelled by the numerous national lockdown restrictions, with non-essential shops and the night-time economy is closed and people spending more time in their homes. However, it is expected that the upwards trend is set to return as the lockdown restrictions are lifted and life is almost back to ‘normality’. 

    Bolster security measures with CCTV Surveillance 

    It is vital that shops and businesses are properly equipped to deal with the expected post-Covid rise in crime. The most effective method of bolstering your businesses security measures is installing a top-of-the-range CCTV surveillance system that will, firstly, act as a deterrent to potential criminals and, secondly, give you eyes on your business at all times. 

    At CCTV Surveillance, we pride ourselves on providing state-of-the-art CCTV systems that have the capability to better your current security system, putting your mind at ease that the forthcoming rise in crime will not affect your business. 

    CCTV surveillance for all businesses 

    Our CCTV systems include an entry-level CCTV system which can include up to 8 cameras; a mid-range CCTV system which can have up to 16 cameras; high-end systems with PTZ (pan, tilt and zoom) cameras along with other CCTV systems that are mentioned shortly. 

    The entry-level CCTV system is the perfect choice for SMEs in the sense that up to 8 cameras will sufficiently cover all entry points and areas of importance in your building. Additionally, for businesses with slightly larger premises or with multiple premises, our mid-range CCTV system would be the fit for you. It includes up to 16 cameras along with web-based remote viewing as well as via. a mobile app, for business owners who are on the move or for overnight peace of mind.

    Our high-end CCTV systems, equipped with PTZ, come with an unlimited number of cameras and storage capability and are the perfect solution for monitoring large sites comprising multiple buildings spread across a wider area of high-security locations where the functionality is delivered by PTZ cameras is essential. This system comes with built-in automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) which adds another dimension to your CCTV system. ANPR only allows authorised vehicles into your car parks and sites and can prevent unwanted guests from being granted access onto your site – 24 hours a day. 

    If you would like more information about our CCTV systems in order to help combat the forthcoming rise in crime, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help. 

  2. Why You Need an ANPR System

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    An ANPR system is one of the most effective methods of bolstering the safety and security of your car park or access road. It acts as a 24/7 security guard to ensure only authorised personnel are granted access to your site. 

    This article explains everything there is to know about an ANPR system and the reasons why they are worth the investment. 

    What is ANPR?

    Standing for ‘Automatic Number Plate Recognition’, ANPR is a highly accurate system that uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to accurately identify the numbers and letters on a number plate. While ANPR is usually associated with law enforcement use such as speed ticketing, congestion area charging, and identification of stolen vehicles, the system also has various features that are hugely beneficial for private use.

    ANPR systems can boost car park security 

    By installing ANPR cameras at a car park’s entrance and exit, organisations can rest assured that only authorised vehicles are able to access their premises. ANPR systems can be linked to existing access control systems such as car park barriers and/or bollards. Additionally, with ANPR and automatic car park barriers, access to any car park can be greatly improved and streamlined.

    Allow limited-time access with ANPR

    After identifying the number plates on any vehicle, ANPR systems can easily log the date, time and location of the vehicle, and proceed to carry out an action based on the data (save the information in a database for retrieval at a later time, issue an alert should the plates match against a specific database, open a gate, etc.).

    ANPR is just as effective at night time 

    Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras use infrared LED lights to enable them to still be equally as effective at night time or when the daylight fades. This essentially means that they operate 24 hours of the day, ensuring the complete security of your site at all times. 

    If you would like more information on ANPR systems, or if you would like to inquire about a quote, please feel free to get in contact with a member of our sales team today.

  3. DVRs & NVRs: All You Need to Know

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    dvrs and nvrs

    It is crucial that you understand the difference between DVR and NVR security camera systems before making a decision on which one best suits you and your needs.

    This article will tell you everything you need to know so that you are in the best position possible when it comes to purchasing a CCTV system.

    The fundamentals of DVR and NVR systems

    DVR stands for Digital Video Recorder, whereas NVR stands for Network Video Recorder. Both CCTV systems have one purpose and that is to record video, however, the way in which they process the video data is different.

    DVR CCTV systems are wired only, and slightly more straightforward in the sense that they process the video data at the recorder; whereas NVR (wired or wireless) systems encode and process the video data at the camera, then stream it to the NVR recorder which is used for storage and remote viewing.

    One of the most important things you must know before purchasing either a DVR or NVR CCTV system is that they each require different cameras. NVRs require IP cameras while DVRs require analog cameras.

    DVR: pros and cons

    Analogue camera

    There are pros and cons to both DVR and NVR CCTV systems. One of the biggest pros to DVRs is the price. They are considerably cheaper than NVRs which is largely due to the analog security camera that must be used with them. This basically means that there is less variety in the types of cameras you are able to use. Another advantage of a DVR security system is its simplicity. For example, the analog cameras stream an analog signal to the recorder, which then processes the images.

    System usability 

    This section gives NVRs another point on the board. While NVR systems can be either wired or wireless, DVR CCTV systems are limited to being only wired. In addition to this, DVR CCTV systems have fewer mounting options due to the routing cable requiring a power source for every camera.

    Audio and image quality 

    Essentially, DVRs fall short to the NVRs when it comes to image quality and audio options. The analogue signal sent from the camera via the cable to the recorder results in a lower quality image than that of the NVR. The analogue camera also often does not transmit audio.

    NVR: pros and cons

    IP camera

    The IP cameras, which NVR CCTV systems use, process the video data at the camera opposed to on the recorder as DVR analogue cameras do. This means that they are capable of capturing images on their own and they are able to record and send audio as well as video. They are much more advanced than the analogue cameras used by DVR CCTV systems – hence the bigger price tag.

    System usability

    Arguably, the most notable advantage of an NVR CCTV system is its wireless network feature. It does not have to be plugged into the recorder meaning, so long as each camera is connected to the same network, they can all be accessed as a complete system.

    Audio and image quality

    The video quality of the NVR IP camera is far better than that of the DVR analogue camera. It is also able to transmit audio – another reason why it is more expensive than the DVR system.

    The conclusion: DVR or NVR systems?

    It ultimately boils down to how much you are looking to spend on your CCTV surveillance. Both systems are effective and will boost the security of your company’s site tremendously. 

    NVR systems are more expensive but have better video quality, are easier to install and include audio. DVR systems are the perfect solution for customers who have a smaller budget but still want to bolster the security measures of their building.

    If you would like more information on DVR and/or NVR CCTV systems, or if you would like to inquire about a quote, please feel free to get in contact with a member of our sales team today.

  4. Sheffield Enterprise launches crowdfunding campaign following break-in

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    A Sheffield-based social enterprise, restaurant and events space has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds following a break-in four days after reopening for outdoor dining in April.

    Blend Kitchen provides opportunities to adults who face barriers when looking for employment, whether they have learning difficulties or have suffered from social injustice, offering them training and advice to receive employment in-house or across its hospitality network.

    Earlier this year, the enterprise relocated to Ecclesall Road, having had to move out from its previous home due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

    However, four days after opening for outdoor dining, the company was hit by a break-in during the early hours of the morning, causing damage to the restaurant from smashed windows in the main entrance and stolen items such as valuable training assets.

    The Crowdfunder campaign is aiming to raise £15,000, which will not only repair the damage caused but provide new security shutters, CCTV, improved lighting and a new secure front lobby.

    General manager Justin Rowntree said: “Blend Kitchen’s mission is to help those that have faced barriers in life, and Blend Kitchen founder Chris Hanson and I are well aware that those who broke into the restaurant are people that could probably benefit from the work we do here.”

    CCTV Surveillance – The UK’s top supplier and installation contractor of digital CCTV systems

    Having your property damaged and belongings stolen is one of the most frustrating feelings. 

    One of the most effective methods of reducing the chances of this happening to your business is to install a top-of-the-range, yet affordable, CCTV system. 

    CCTV Surveillance is the Number one UK installer and maintenance service provider of digital CCTV cameras and recording surveillance systems. We install, maintain and perennially look after large industrial and commercial CCTV installations on sites across the UK. We provide cost-effective evidence quality CCTV surveillance systems tailor-made to meet your requirements. We install systems using the right equipment for your requirements. 

    CCTV cameras can be overt or covert, indoor or outdoor, stationary or moving, and all have their own individual characteristics enabling you to choose a tailor-made solution for your particular circumstances. Not only this, CCTV Surveillance offers you high quality DVR recording systems, which can be networked together across multiple sites.

    In addition to this, we also offer facial recognition CCTV and number plate recognition. 

    If you would like more information on our affordable CCTV surveillance equipment, or if you would like a quote, please get in touch with a member of our sales team today. 

  5. Measures to tackle crime in St Michael’s ward in Workington

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    Revamped street lighting, CCTV cameras at a school, and a focus on homes previously targeted by criminals will be part of a £300,000 crackdown in a Workington crime hotspot.

    Cumbria has been allocated £311,358 to bolster security measures in St Michael’s ward in Workington.

    It has been revealed that ‘safer homes packs’ to protect 1,300 homes will be delivered by two safer street officers, based in the Allerdale Local Focus Hub.

    Street lighting will also be updated in areas including Lonsdale Street, Clay Street, Milburn Street, Harcourt Street, Fletcher Street, York Street and Gladstone Street.

    And there will also be a focus on protecting 150 homes across the area previously targeted or with vulnerabilities.

    A public realm lighting scheme will be introduced in Vulcan Park and CCTV will also be set up at St Michael’s Nursery and Infant School.

    County police and crime commissioner Peter McCall said: “I hope the residents will feel safer in their community and notice a reduction in anti-social behaviour.

    “I look forward to working with Cumbria Constabulary, Allerdale Local Focus Hub, the West Cumbria Community Safety Partnership, Allerdale Council and Cumbria County Council to make Cumbria an even safer place to live.”

    Workington MP Mark Jenkinson lived in the ward until 2015 and described it as a “hotspot” which would benefit from the cash.

    Inspector for Cumbria Constabulary, Rachel Gale, said: “Crime has a lasting impact on victims and the communities they occur in.

    “By working together effectively we will be able to prevent crime before it happens.”


    One of the most effective methods of improving security measures in crime hotspots is to have the latest CCTV surveillance system in place. 

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. Our highly trained operators monitor the cameras 24/7, all year round year, and can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to. This is done either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition CCTV software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition, and even facial recognition access control systems if required.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    For more information on our security products, please get in touch with a member of our sales team today. 

  6. How CCTV Can Help Businesses With COVID Safety Protocols

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    cctv covid safety protocols

    As businesses across the country return to working as normal, CCTV systems can aid in providing workers with a contactless and safer post-COVID routine.

    One of the biggest concerns for workers returning to work after over a year of remote working is that of the safety measures taken in order to ensure the Coronavirus is tackled efficiently and no one is at risk whilst performing their daily duties. By that, we mean desks maintaining a distance of two metres, a limited number of bodies in each room, and above all else, the disinfection and sanitisation of commonly used items.

    From keypads and common room kettles to door handles, there is a lot on a businesses’ premises that are handled by many. Whilst companies cannot police (or even monitor) workers washing their hands for more than 20 seconds every time they return from the toilet or using hand sanitiser upon re-entering a room, they can limit the time key items can be touched, and much more…

    Utilising CCTV with automatic doors

    Access control comes in many different forms — one of the most basic is that of using automatic doors in heavily populated areas, removing the need to use door handles. Linked up with a smart CCTV or sensor system, doors can open when necessary to allow entry; potentially assisting with lowering heating bills in the colder months too.

    With this, the use of facial recognition CCTV can come into play and play a huge difference in improving your security.

    How facial recognition CCTV can help

    A key advantage to using facial recognition CCTV post-COVID is businesses can use their database to grant or deny employees access to specific rooms — whether they contain sensitive material, whether they do or do not have permission to be in a specific room, or simply if there are already the maximum number of people in a room based off government guidance. Think of it as an invisible ID that can be updated and operate in real-time.

    What it means for your business

    Integrated CCTV solutions increase both your business’ safety and security, whilst allowing you to work fast and adapt to any quick changes. The systems fully support runtime alarm management and even allow the databases to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) ensuring you are in control of your operations.

    For more information about the range of CCTV solutions we can provide your business or to book a demo, feel free to contact us or drop us a line in our live chat below.

  7. New CCTV camera system goes live in Turriff

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    A new CCTV surveillance system worth £34,000 has gone live in Turriff town centre, covering the main business and footfall areas, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The Chair of Turriff Business Association Marj Chalmers confirmed that new CCTV cameras are now ‘live’ with the necessary signage installed and will be “beneficial to the safety and security of all members of the public.”

    The installation of the CCTV project was initiated by Turriff Business Association and funded by Aberdeenshire Council through the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Grant Fund.

    Turriff has well over 100 businesses situated in the town of which Turriff Business Association has a membership of approximately 65 businesses who pay an annual subscription to help pay towards this type of project.

    CCTV coverage has been an item highlighted by both the local businesses and the community through public consultations via Planning for Real some years ago, and, again in the Turriff Local Action Plan 2019 initiated through Turriff and District Community Council’s Place Standard Conversation consultations.


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition CCTV software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition, and even facial recognition access control systems if required.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test. If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  8. Plans revealed for deploying new ANPR camera system at popular Carlisle tourist destination

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    A local company has revealed plans to deploy a new ANPR camera system and payment machines at Lanercost Priory and Tearooms in Carlisle, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The heritage impact statement submitted as part of the application reds: “Both sites have remained car parking areas for some time and this is not intending to change.

    “The character of the wider area will not be changed from implementing small-scale advertisements, cameras, and payment machines at existing car parking sites.

    “The site has been subject to advertisement consent previously associated with the tearooms and car parking areas and various planning permissions on site.”

    It adds: “It is recognised some sort of signage has been required on the site to inform visitors of the car parks, and therefore the proposal seeks to establish new signage, and car parking management infrastructure in the form of payment machines and cameras.”


    CCTV Surveillance has a proven long-term experience in providing customers with complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements, including here our extensive range of ANPR solutions.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  9. Video Monitoring Systems Can Help Facilitate the Return to Face-to-Face Teaching

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    2% of schools and colleges in both the US and Northern Europe see a potential role for CCTV/video monitoring systems in supporting a safe return to face-to-face teaching in school buildings and across further education college campuses, following the pandemic, a recent market research report has been able to suggest.

    The AVA Security Education Sector Security Survey suggests that many schools and colleges have already adapted their video monitoring systems.

    For example, half (50%) of all those in charge of these systems had already adapted their existing video systems to help manage social distancing. A further 34% planned to use their systems for this purpose within the next 12 months.

    Nearly four of every 10 (38%) educational institutions were already using their video monitoring systems to trace all student, staff, and visitor movements in, out, and around their premises and grounds to protect everyone from infection. A further 46% planned to configure these systems for this same purpose within the next 12 months.

    Additionally, nearly a third (29%) was already using their existing video systems to help provide temperature level health checks at some building entrances. A further 43% planned to enable temperature checking via their CCTV systems within the next year.

    Interestingly, 41% had already deployed their video systems for reporting on class or lecture hall occupancy levels and people density levels in retail areas, dining facilities, and other leisure areas where students congregate. A further 41% said they were planning to add this capability via their video systems over the next 12 months.

    Budget availability is considered to be one of the main challenges preventing the widespread adoption or development of video management technologies. The survey revealed that 31% of those in charge of video monitoring systems had already seen a significant reduction in budgets available for upgrading and improving video monitoring capabilities in the last year, while a further 29% had seen a small reduction in budgets over the same timeframe. A further 8% thought fresh budget cuts were likely in 2021.

    CCTV Surveillance – Expert Specifiers and Installers of Video Monitoring Systems

    CCTV Surveillance has a very comprehensive level of expertise in the field of security installations, delivering high-quality, bespoke installations, designed to perfectly match the customers’ needs.

    One of the main features of our CCTV systems is that they are integrated to work with a standard PC monitor via sophisticated CCTV software that allows individual users to set their own criteria for viewing selected footage from particular CCTV cameras within the network. Password and security features limit the viewing of certain cameras to specific groups of people, enabling you to securely manage who is able to see particular areas of activity.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.
    Its site tree facility allows servers and individual cameras to be accessed quickly, and the inclusion of the multi-site viewing facility makes the management of sites more efficient and responses to events even quicker.

    Remote management of your CCTV network via LAN, WAN, or the internet is also possible through the CCTV software. Historical footage can be viewed remotely, and DVR setup parameters can be configured.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated product team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  10. New CCTV surveillance cameras to tackle anti-social behaviour in Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Park

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    New CCTV surveillance cameras will be deployed in Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Park in an attempt to tackle anti-social behaviour, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The cameras will be installed at two locations in the west end park, which has been scene of a number of high-profile incidents of public drinking, anti-social behaviour and littering in recent weeks.

    The installation of CCTV cameras comes amid criticism levelled at the council and police for their efforts in attempting to clamp down on the anti-social behaviour witnessed in the park – with council staff urged to get to the “root cause”.

    This year some gates will be closed on busy days, while last summer ten of the park’s 16 gates were locked, and those entering the park will be checked for alcohol by police and community enforcement officers.


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition CCTV software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition, and even facial recognition access control systems if required.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.