Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. All You Need To Know About ANPR

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    anpr systems

    ANPR can be hugely beneficial for businesses in a number of ways, and contributes massively to the safety and security of a premises. Here, we break down everything there is to know about ANPR, including how it works and the benefits of it. 

    ANPR – How Does It Work?

    ANPR stands for Automatic Number Plate Recognition. It’s a technology that uses cameras to read vehicle number plates on a road or at the entrance/exit of a car park of an access controlled premises. Number plate readings are then compared to a database of registered number plates for access to either be granted or denied. 

    ANPR uses Optical Character Recognition in order to transform an image of a registration plate into encoded text. With this, the ANPR System can then begin to match the number plate against the stored set of number plates to grant or deny access into a premises using Car Park Barriers or an Access Control System

    Benefits of ANPR

    ANPR Systems have a wide range of security benefits for organisations and businesses that are looking to improve security measures. 

    1. ANPR improves car park management, employee management and visitor management. Not only will it improve the security of any car park for reasons stated above, but it will also manage visitors who are visiting a site. This could be a delivery van, lorry, or an external employee or visitor who is on site for a meeting perhaps. This ultimately ensures that you are aware exactly who is on your site at all times.
    1. Employees arriving at work can also benefit massively from an Automatic Number Plate Recognition System because it can provide the number of free parking spaces upon entrance; leaving nothing down to guessing. 
    1. For car parks that require a payment for use, ANPR is an essential. With an ANPR System you will be able to understand the exact time a vehicle entered your car park, which can be matched against the ticketing machine and amount paid. 

    Where Should I Install ANPR?

    If you are using ANPR Cameras at the entrance and exit of your car park, then it goes without saying that positioning the cameras at both the entrance and exit is the best idea. This way it will allow the cameras to have a clear sight of the vehicles approaching them and can work together with your Car Park Barriers to allow entry. 

    If you have any questions about ANPR, or if you would like more information about our ANPR Systems, then please get in touch with our sales team today who are on-hand to help with any queries you may have.

  2. Integrated CCTV for Businesses

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    Integrated CCTV

    Nowadays, with crime rates still rife, it is still extremely important to ensure your business has the best security solutions available. Thankfully, with CCTV Surveillance you can integrate all of your security solutions into one all-encompassing security system. 

    If your business is looking to install a CCTV System with an Access Control System, Time and Attendance System and/or a Visitor Monitoring System, then you need to look no further. 

    Integrated CCTV for all businesses

    Integrating your CCTV System with an additional security solution such as Access Control gives your business that extra layer of security. 

    Integrating CCTV Surveillance with an Access Control System, such as Smart Card Access Control or Facial Recognition Access Control, can massively increase your businesses security measures and help to combat against trespassing and theft. It will give you the ability to be in control of who is granted access on site or into a specific area, as well as know if incorrect individuals are gaining access through a door using somebody else’s smart card.

    Integrated CCTV with an Access Control System will also allow you to link video surveillance with granted, denied and even forced entry. You can also search for events by date and time, playing back videos associated with selected events.

    ANPR with an Access Control System

    Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) can play a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of your car park and site as a whole. 

    Installing ANPR cameras at the entrance and exit to your businesses car park and checking number plates with the saved data in your Access Control Software, organisations can be sure that only authorised vehicles can access their premises. 

    ANPR, in conjunction with Car Park Barriers and Access Control Barrier Systems, has the ability to recognise authorised number plates and either grant or deny vehicles access to the site and can be set to allow specific vehicles access at chosen times of the day for a number of reasons such as day/night time employees, deliveries, or external visitors for meetings and so on. 

    ANPR Key Features:

    • Access for authorised vehicles only
    • Visitor’s set with limited time access
    • Eradicate unwanted vehicles/people on site
    • Works 24-hours a day, all year round   

    For more information regarding our Integrated CCTV Systems, Smart Card Access Control System, Facial Recognition Access Control System, or ANPR, then please get in touch with a member of our sales team who will be happy to help.

  3. Why CCTV Surveillance is Essential to your Business

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    There are many ways in which CCTV Surveillance can benefit businesses and organisations up and down the country. Not only will a CCTV System keep your business’s assets safe, but CCTV also ensures employees have a safe workspace.   

    One of the most effective security measures that you can take towards preventing unwanted visitors from entering your site, such as thieves and intruders, is by installing CCTV Surveillance. We have broken down some of the most effective and beneficial reasons as to why your business needs a CCTV System.

    CCTV is a deterrent to potential intruders

    CCTV systems are a visual deterrent to intruders, thieves and vandals, and anyone else who could want to access your site without permission. If placed around your site, especially at entrances and exits to your building along with warning signs of CCTV Cameras in operation, then it is highly likely that the individual will think twice before trespassing..

    CCTV improves staff safety

    The safety and security of employees should always be the number one priority for owners and employers. By installing on-site CCTV Surveillance, you can ensure the safety and security of staff members, and indeed your business’s assets, are always the first priority. A digital CCTV system operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. This is essential for organisations that require night shift workers as well as day shift workers. 

    Reduces insurance premiums

    Businesses with sites secured by CCTV Systems are, as expected, have lower insurance premiums due to the high level of security. Installing CCTV surveillance lowers your businesses insurance premiums as your building is more secure and less likely to be broken into – It’s a no-brainer!

    Produces evidence in court

    A CCTV system provides your business with a 24-hour security system, meaning if your organisation was to be a victim of theft or trespassing, then your video surveillance can provide evidence when in court, and justice will be done.

    CCTV relieves stresses

    It is not always possible for business owners and site managers to be on-site 7 days a week, 24-hours a day. A CCTV surveillance system allows you to have-peace-of-mind even when you are not on-site or are on holiday, knowing that your business is safe and well-protected.

    For more information regarding our CCTV systems, and to learn more about how your business can benefit from CCTV surveillance, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to assist you.

  4. Improve Construction Site Security with our CCTV Systems & CSCS Smart Cards

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    construction site security

    Maintaining a completely secure construction site for the duration of the required time on-site can prove extremely difficult without the use of CCTV surveillance, CSCS smart cards and rapid deployment CCTV.

    CCTV Security Systems for Construction Sites

    Throughout the construction process of a house, block of flats, or whatever it may be, there is always a risk of unwanted people entering the site during closed hours to help themselves to tools, materials or equipment. 

    Our range of CCTV systems, including rapid deployment CCTV, gives construction companies the reassurance that their sites are well-looked after and remain secure throughout the building process. Rapid deployment CCTV protects assets located in vulnerable or remote locations, where there is a lack of power and/or communications, making it the perfect solution for construction sites. Once one project is done, you can pack the rapid deployment CCTV up and set it up at the next project. 

    To learn the key features of a rapid deployment CCTV system, click the link above or check out our rapid deployment CCTV article.  

    CSCS Site Visitor Cards

    Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) has been developed into our software suite of products to allow seamless integration between the CSCS smart card and our access control, time management, visitor/contractor management and fire/evacuation roll-call systems, including turnstiles and biometric verification devices (facial recognition and fingerprint recognition).

    The integration allows a ‘one card fits all’ philosophy where contractors who attend CSCS sites use their existing CSCS smart card to not only identify them as a CSCS certified tradesman but also to clock in/out of site for attendance monitoring, grant access to the site and log them on and off the evacuation roll-call which is automatically printed when an alarm is triggered.

    For more information regarding our range of CCTV systems, rapid deployment CCTV or CSCS smart cards, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help.

  5. Boost Your Business Security with Facial Recognition CCTV

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    Facial recognition CCTV has the ability to boost any businesses safety and security measures, whether that is inside a building, upon entry or exit points or whether your facial recognition CCTV system is situated at the entry of your car park or vehicle entry point.

    All CCTV systems, such as regular CCTV surveillance cameras, facial recognition CCTV or Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), have one end goal; to keep you and your employees safe while at work. This article sets out to explain how facial recognition CCTV can help maintain strict safety procedures throughout your building and beyond. 

    Facial Recognition CCTV for your business

    I think we all understand how facial recognition CCTV works, but If you don’t, check out this article, or take a look at our facial recognition CCTV products

    A facial recognition CCTV system uses algorithms that read a person’s facial features which are then converted into a mathematical representation and compared to data stored on a facial recognition database allowing the individual access through the control point or deny them access through the door or entry point. 

    Facial recognition CCTV systems are guaranteed to work day or night and in the most extreme weather conditions meaning that your access control system will be on-hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It includes live face detection so it is also able to differentiate between a real face and a photograph so it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs or pictures.

    Our facial recognition CCTV system is designed specifically for fast, discrete identification/registration of known or unknown individuals. So whether your business involves large crowds at a stadium or festival or in public places such as airports, train stations, shopping centres or urban areas then our facial recognition CCTV system is guaranteed to boost security measures and massively assist with crowd control as well as access control for office and warehouse-based businesses. 

    Improve site security with ANPR

    It’s not only facial recognition CCTV that can play an integral part in boosting site security for many businesses in the UK. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) also goes a long way to preventing unauthorised personnel and/or vehicles from entering your site and trespassing on your property. 

    ANPR is a highly accurate system that precisely identifies information on a vehicle’s number plate and can be easily integrated with your company’s access control system

    Our ANPR systems are the ideal solution for your vehicle tracking needs, as well as for speed and traffic light enforcement. Our range can work up to 25 metres away with a max speed detection of 250km/h. Following a vehicle’s identification, our ANPR system then automatically logs the recorded date and time onto the database, opens gates or issues alerts for blacklisted plates.

    If you would like any more information regarding our facial recognition CCTV systems or our ANPR systems, or if you would like to enquire about booking a demo, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help.

  6. Rapid Deployment CCTV – All You Need To Know

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    Rapid Deployment CCTV, also known as Rapid Deployment Asset Protection Systems or Rapid Deployment CCTV Towers, is a fully-integrated, self-contained, turnkey and rapidly deployable mobile CCTV surveillance solution. 

    Why choose Rapid Deployment CCTV?

    With its all-weather and vandal-proof design, Rapid Deployment CCTV is the ideal CCTV surveillance / monitoring system for remote sites and trouble hotspots. They have the ability to deliver enhanced remote situational awareness, as well as protect assets located in vulnerable or remote locations, where current constraints exist due to a lack of power and/or communications. They are the perfect CCTV surveillance options for construction companies or for public events who want the maximum level of protection for equipment on-site for the duration of the build, or for the safety of people attending the event. 

    Rapid Deployment CCTV is a wireless, battery-powered system that is equipped with a solar/wind turbine, as well as multiple wireless communication platforms such as Wi-Fi and 3G/4G. This means that there is no requirement for power or network cabling to the cameras, while also meaning that you can get near-immediate surveillance coverage of your locations. 

    Key features of Rapid Deployment CCTV

    Autonomous system

    Rapid Deployment CCTV towers can be entirely self-powered, with high-performance solar panels supporting an ultra-long-run fuel cell. The system is completely standalone, making it ideal for any vulnerable site without power facilities to have protection during unoccupied hours of the day/night and also meaning that fewer security guards are required for public events such as fayres, concerts, or markets.  

    Cost Effective

    Whether your short-term requirement is to cut down anti-social behaviour, eradicate fly-tipping or to give reassurance to members of the public at public events, installing fixed security cameras is not the most economical route to take.

    A Rapid Deployment CCTV Tower removes the up-front cost of installing cameras and allows you the flexibility of moving the system to a new location as your requirements change. Over time, the system will pay for itself as you move it from site to site. 

    Environmentally friendly

    With an increase in concern regarding environmental issues, there has never been a more important time to invest in a CCTV system which is run by a renewable power source such as our Rapid Deployment CCTV kit.

    Our Rapid Deployment CCTV kit is powered by solar and/or wind electrical generation which allows you to power your CCTV system without the use of fuel and you won’t have to run generators to keep them powered, ultimately, reducing your carbon footprint.

    If you would like more information on our Rapid Deployment CCTV system or on any other of our CCTV systems, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help.

  7. Critical Infrastructure Providers Install CCTV in New Revamp

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    In a recent security revamp, the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB) installed various access control systems (including smart card access control and electromagnetic locks) as well as access control software, to improve on-site security across a variety of the 207 lighthouses that they govern.

    Included in this security revamp was the installation of over 30 CCTV cameras across two NLB sites, Edinburgh and Orkney. In 2017, Mr. Dunn, Technical Systems Manager at Northern Lighthouse Board, decided that NLB required a new access control and CCTV system to bolster security for the Scottish critical infrastructure providers. 

    Mr. Dunn recently described the CCTV system as “head and shoulders above anything else”. He also explained that his decision to upgrade the security system and replace the old one was a “no-brainer”. 

    CCTV surveillance for all business types

    CCTV surveillance has the ability to improve the security levels of any business in any stretch of the UK. With a CCTV system that monitors your site 24/7, you can rest assured that your business is in safe hands. Not only does CCTV surveillance give business owners the peace of mind that their site is secure, but also acts as a deterrent to any unwanted visitors. Our experts will help you decipher which CCTV system best suits your business requirements, whether it may be regular CCTV surveillance, facial recognition CCTV, mobile facial recognition systems or automatic number plate recognition (ANPR).  

    Facial recognition CCTV for your business

    Facial recognition CCTV is designed specifically for fast, discrete identification and/or registration of known/unknown individuals, whether in a large crowd at a stadium, festival or in other crowded public places. It also allows administrators to create whitelists and blacklists for specific areas or entrances of a building or room. Employees can be easily and quickly enrolled from one or more photographs and/or video clips. 

    Site security with Automatic Number Plate Recognition

    As an additional measure, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a highly accurate system that uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to precisely identify information on a number plate. After identification, ANPR systems can log the date, time and location of the vehicle and carry out actions based on the data. Whilst ANPR is commonly associated with law enforcement use such as identifying speeding offences and spotting stolen vehicles, the system has many applications designed for private use.
    For more information on any of our CCTV systems, or if you would like to enquire about getting a quote or a demo for your business, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help.

  8. Industries That Require CCTV Surveillance

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    Almost every industry and business across the UK can boost its site security with CCTV surveillance. It is a vital security measure that can benefit a wide range of organisations in more than one way. A CCTV system has the ability to protect employees, students and visitors on-site while acting as a deterrent to unwanted people. 

    This article is designed to determine which industries are of great benefit to CCTV surveillance and to point out the reasons why a CCTV system can benefit them so greatly. From schools to hospitals to construction sites, this article goes into depth to demonstrate the ways in which each specific industry can utilise a CCTV system.

    CCTV surveillance for schools

    CCTV surveillance in schools of all ages is a must. From nurseries to primary and secondary schools to colleges and universities, CCTV systems have a vital role to play to ensure the safety of students and teachers on-site. Feeling safe and secure throughout the school day is crucial for all students and staff, and should be a requirement, which is something that a CCTV system can go a long way to providing. 

    School Holidays – Off-peak hours for schools, such as weekends, nighttime, half-terms, or other reasons a school would close such as snow, is the most common time for an intruder to target a school. By using our CCTV remote monitoring service you can, firstly, significantly reduce your school’s operational costs due to there being no requirement for on-site security guards and, secondly, improving site security. Our monitoring centre is staffed by highly trained operators who are able to take immediate action on the video footage that they see following an alert, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police.

    Student Safety – Student safety is the top priority for nurseries, schools and universities alike. Unfortunately, for the majority of schools up and down the country, the risk of accidents, abuse, and violence is inevitable. These events can occur internally or externally; bullying, unauthorised people on-site, or potentially vandalism or break-ins. With a CCTV surveillance system, these events are made manageable, and often preventable. 

    Hospitals can benefit from CCTV systems

    Hospitals are extremely busy places that are required to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Thousands of people pass in and out of a hospital every day, so a CCTV system has huge benefits from a safety and security point-of-view alone. Another benefit of CCTV systems in a hospital is the improvement of employee productivity.

    Increase Safety CCTV surveillance can not physically prevent crime from happening, however, it goes a long way to deter it from happening. When people are aware that they are being watched, they are much less likely to commit a crime, trespass or steal. Not only this, but a CCTV system also aids security officers in keeping a close eye on who is on-site and to determine what happened should a crime be reported.

    Improves Employee Productivity – Hopefully, the workers are dedicated to their employment, but we all know that there will be those who aren’t working to their full potential. That’s where cameras come in handy. Employees who are aware that they are being observed and tracked are more likely to put in a little extra effort.

    CCTV for construction sites

    Project managers are often faced with the dilemma of not being able to keep an eye on construction workers throughout the day, and having to put complete trust in them that they’ll get the job done on time and to a good standard. A construction site is a place of heavy traffic throughout the day and requires expensive equipment from start to finish. 

    Monitor Construction Workers – The use of CCTV surveillance on a construction site has huge benefits, one of which is that it helps project managers to get a clear and constant view of the employees’ activities and progress. A construction site is a busy and sometimes chaotic place to work, making it a difficult job for managers to oversee the operation without the help of CCTV surveillance. 

    Evaluating Site Development – Another significant advantage of installing a CCTV system at a construction site is that it gives supervisors a clearer view of the entire site’s development – making the life of a project manager that little bit easier when it comes to assessing the stage of development. 

    Protecting Expensive Equipment – A building site requires large machinery and other hand-held equipment to aid with getting the job done. This largely has to be left on-site overnight with just a metal fence stopping passers-by from being able to steal them. Thankfully, a CCTV surveillance system acts as a deterrent for overly-interested passers-by and should equipment be stolen, the project manager has the ability to see who it was and how it happened – preventing it from happening in the future.

    If you would like more information on our CCTV surveillance systems, whatever your industry you may be, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help improve the security of your business or organisation.

  9. Wavestore Software Fully Integratable with CCTV Surveillance

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    CCTV Surveillance is now completely integrated with Wavestore’s software. Our CCTV systems now have the ability to pass access control transaction events to Wavestore.

    We have also created a new document that gives full details on this integration and is available on request. Wavestore’s Head of Marketing not only sums up the thoughts of both parties but also explains what is now possible with this integration:

    “Wavestore’s integration with Tensor combines powerful video data and advanced access control capabilities to provide a fully scalable and future-proof security solution to secure premises. Using our powerful Event Rules engine, alarms and actions can be automated whilst making access for authorised personnel easy. Furthermore, operators can review cameras from the Wavestore server and search for access control events during a forensic investigation following an access attempt or alarm trigger. The integration was a natural move for Wavestore and Tensor, with our complimentary technologies providing intelligent security solutions.”
    Sophie Mills, Head of Marketing, Wavestore

    For more information on the Wavestore CCTV software integration and to learn how it can benefit your business specifically, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today.

  10. How Facial Recognition CCTV Systems Work

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    how facial recognition cctv systems work

    Facial recognition systems have proven to better the security of any building or business up and down the country. With the ability to match a human face from a digital image or a video frame against a database of faces, facial recognition CCTV is the ultimate security solution. 

    The importance of facial recognition CCTV systems is clear for all to see, however, it may be less obvious as to how they work as well as being able to understand the benefits a facial recognition CCTV system can have for your business, site or building. Thankfully, this article explains everything you need to know. 

    How do facial recognition CCTV systems work?

    A facial recognition CCTV system is a camera or set of cameras that read a person’s facial features to grant or deny them access through a control point. It typically sits at the entrance to your business, or to a specific/access controlled room within your building.

    Computer algorithms are used to instantly pick out specific, distinguishing features about a person’s face. These features include the distance between the eyes or shape of the chinworks and the CCTV system works with changes of facial expressions and even works when the person is wearing glasses, scarves or caps. These algorithms are then converted into a mathematical representation and compared to data on other faces collected in a face recognition database.

    Facial recognition CCTV systems are an advanced piece of security technology that have the ability to work day or night, in any weather condition (including rain) or lighting. It includes live face detection so it is also able to differentiate between a real face and a photograph so it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs or pictures.

    The benefits of a facial recognition CCTV system

    A facial recognition CCTV system is designed specifically for fast, discrete identification/registration of known or unknown individuals, whether in a large crowd at a stadium or festival or in public places such as airports, train stations or shopping centres. This ensures that you will receive the ultimate level of CCTV security available and have a system that can identify individuals even in the busiest of places. 

    The toughest level of CCTV security

    Facial recognition CCTV systems ensure maximum security for your business and/or building and guarantees that no unauthorised personnel are able to enter or exit your building. 

    Whilst fingerprint readers and smart card access control systems require a smart card or a fingerprint to gain access or egress to a building, the facial recognition CCTV system does not. This ensures the safest working environment possible as it guarantees that only authorised personnel are able to gain access to your site/building. Facial recognition CCTV systems do not require smart cards to identify a person, meaning there are no smart cards to be passed around, lost or stolen and then replaced. 

    Our line of facial recognition CCTV systems have the ability to create whitelists/blacklists at different entry points. People can be easily enrolled on these lists from photographs or video clips and do not have to be physically enrolled. 

    Facial recognition CCTV systems are contact-free

    It has never been more important to have a safe and hygienic place to work, socialise and be in large crowds following the COVID-19 outbreak. A facial recognition CCTV system ensures that no contact is to be made when people enter or exit a building or through a certain access point – maintaining a contactless entry system is vital and will help to stop the spread of viruses and illnesses.

    For more information on our facial recognition CCTV systems, and to inquire about a quote for your business, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team who is ready to help.