Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. Nexus Industries Bolsters Security with CCTV Surveillance

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    CCTV Surveillance Case Study: Nexus Industries

    With over 70 years of experience, Nexus Industries’ brands of Luceco LED Lighting, BG Electrical, Masterplug, and Ross are market leaders in key electrical categories. The company has a head office in London with global offices in Telford, China, Houston, Hamburg, Paris, Barcelona, Dubai, Hong Kong, and Johannesburg offer sales and support to European, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, African, and Asian Pacific regions.

    Nexus’s UK facilities include a 10,000 square metre manufacturing, assembly, distribution, warehousing and sales divisions based in Telford, stocking over 2,000 product lines.

    “We recorded an increase in the number of incidents and thefts over the past few years because of the nature and value of the products at our Telford site” explained Richard Gardner, IT Manager at Nexus Industries. “For this reason, we decided to start looking for a security and CCTV surveillance system that would cover all our premises.”

    After reviewing several competing systems, Nexus Industries selected a Tensor and CCTV Surveillance to install a security system along with the Tensor.NET Time & Attendance and Access Control softwares to manage their site security.

    Richard recalled, “we selected Tensor from one of the 3 firms shortlisted capable of meeting our CCTV requirements. In the end, the Tensor proposal was chosen because it  was the best value for money.”

    Tensor has extensive experience in installing, commissioning and managing comprehensive video management solutions. They use products from the Tensor partner range to deliver the highest performance in the industry. With that, customers are assured of receiving the most reliable systems available. Tensor integrate video surveillance into their Tensor.NET access control and facial recognition security system as well as other third-party equipment including ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) to provide an overall site-wide security system.

    No major problems were encountered during the system’s installation. In Richard’s own words, “The installation went very well for a CCTV system, with minimum disruption to daily activities.”

    After the Tensor CCTV surveillance system was installed, Richard was taught how to use it by one of Tensor’s CCTV experts. “Very effective and informative” was how Paul described the training process.

    Are Nexus Industries using their Tensor systems at their full potential? “We’re certainly using the CCTV system to its full potential. While we’re not constantly monitoring it, the system has certainly helped us attain our main goal – improving overall security,” exclaimed Richard.

    “We are still in the process of deploying the time and attendance monitoring where we are adapting our internal policies to maximize its functionality within our company,” he added.

    Whilst CCTV systems are an effective crime deterrent and provide recorded video footage for post event analysis or evidence, the big benefit to a business is enhanced through real-time remote monitoring of the CCTV system. Here, extra eyes are provided during an ‘event’ and immediate response through live audio, to challenge potential intruders as well as recording the situation. Tensor’s CCTV remote monitoring centre responds to CCTV system activations 24 hours a day, all year round.

    Tensor utilises the latest digital CCTV technology to ensure that buildings and property remain secure. When intelligently linked with remote monitoring, CCTV can also prevent crime, with Tensors full audio facilities, which enables our analysts to give warnings to potential attackers or assistance to staff, customers and other visitors to the site.

    When asked what he likes most about the Tensor CCTV system, Richard’s answer was simple, “it’s easy to use, good quality video and doing exactly what’s needed.”

    Richard has used the Tensor after sales help desk where he described his experience as “excellent, very good.” He then added, “the help desk analysts initially tried to solve our problem over the phone. Unfortunately, that was not possible, so an engineer’s visit was booked. The engineer visited our site the next day and sorted out the issue in a very fast and professional manner.”

    Tensor only uses qualified and experienced personnel from security industry, electronic engineering, IT and integration, defence electronics and the armed forces backgrounds. Our objective is to provide unprecedented quality of after-care.

    When asked if he would recommend Tensor to other companies, Richard replied, “Yes, I certainly would.”

    Summing up his experience of Tensor, Richard concluded, “Tensor is an excellent, professional company, delivering reliable products.”

  2. CCTV surveillance system enables local residents to create “Australia’s safest street”

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    Local residents in a Melbourne neighbourhood have joined forced to install a full-coverage CCTV surveillance system, thereby creating what they consider to be “Australia’s safest street”, a recent news report in the local media has been able to reveal.

    Residents of Teatree Street in Diggers Rest have put together a network that provides constant coverage of the entire street, with 18 cameras installed on five houses. They were motivated by increasing crime in neighbouring areas.

    Through an app, homeowners can see what’s going both in their own yard and along the street.

    While the system is not exactly very cheap, it’s more affordable than similar individual solutions, each participating households paying $400 for membership of the network, and a $150 annual fee.

    In return, they get 24-hour access to every camera on the street.

    CCTV Surveillance – experts in designing and deploying CCTV surveillance systems that perfectly match the customers’ requirements

    CCTV Surveillance is the go-to company for complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards and don’t break the bank in terms of budgets. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    Furthermore, we make the most to customize your systems in order to deliver the best value for money, all within the limits of a pre-set budget.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  3. Plans put forward for installing a CCTV surveillance system in Shepshed town centre

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    Plans for installing five CCTV surveillance cameras in Shepshed town centre have been put forward by a sub-committee, who has proposed that the majority of money left over from a Charnwood Borough Council grant be used to fund video surveillance, a news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    Shepshed Town Team had secured £35,000 as the borough council had agreed to roll forward the remainder of a two-year Shop Front Grant to be used to improve shop fronts or to be used to fund projects being explored by sub committees.

    Now one sub-committee has proposed £27,893 of the left over grant money be spent on five CCTV cameras in the town centre (with the price including around the clock monitoring).

    Shepshed Town Team secretary Anne Collier revealed that another party may partially fund the CCTV which will allow the remaining grant money to go further. She said the next step is for the sub-committee to present a proposal to the Town Team and, if approved, the idea will be put to the borough council.

    CCTV Surveillance – experts in deploying advanced CCTV systems for public and police surveillance

    CCTV Surveillance is the go-to company for complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards and don’t break the bank in terms of budgets. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    Furthermore, we make the most to customize your systems in order to deliver the best value for money, all within the limits of a pre-set budget.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  4. New comprehensive CCTV system deployed at the Ipswich Haven Marina

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    A new comprehensive CCTV system has been deployed at Ipswich Haven Marina, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The £33,000 new system includes multiple state-of-the-art CCTV cameras designed to enhance security.

    Following its most recent expansion, the marina now has 320 berths and attracts more than 2,000 visiting yachts a year.

    Linda Pipe, Ipswich Haven Marina manager, said: “Ensuring that our customers, staff and the public have a pleasant and enjoyable stay is important for us and I believe that investing in modern security equipment at the port helps achieve this by creating a safe environment.

    “We want our visitors and the public to feel like they have nothing to fear, when they berth their boats at the marina or when they are taking a walk around the marina. Especially at night, when the whole area comes to life with the buzz of summer nightlife, due to its proximity to a many local restaurants and cultural spots, we aim to keep everyone safe.”

    CCTV Surveillance – experts in deploying advanced CCTV systems for security monitoring

    CCTV Surveillance is the go-to company for complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards and don’t break the bank in terms of budgets. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    Furthermore, we make the most to customize your systems in order to deliver the best value for money, all within the limits of a pre-set budget.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  5. China’s CCTV Surveillance Plans – 600 Million Cameras by 2020, All Facial Recognition Enabled

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    China plans to add 450 million CCTV surveillance cameras to its already existing 176 million units by 2020, while also extending the reach of its facial recognition systems, experts in the CCTV surveillance market have argued.

    Deploying facial recognition systems on a massive scale should be an easier process in China than in most other parts of the world, mostly due to the pre-existing centralized image database of citizens, all of whom must have a government-issued photo ID by the age of 16, together with billions more photos found on social networks.

    Facial-recognition cameras are being used in China for routine activities such as gaining entrance to a workplace, withdrawing cash from an ATM and unlocking a smartphone. Other existing uses include on a running track to check that people aren’t taking shortcuts, and in churches, mosques and temples, where CCTV cameras are deployed in conjunction with facial recognition to keep tabs on exactly who is engaging in these activities, which are regarded with suspicion by the authorities.

    CCTV Surveillance – Experts in Deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

    The CCTV Surveillance Face Recognition CCTV solution enables superior management options for all surveillance and security databases, enabling higher productivity via faster searches and identifications with this user-friendly system and will pay for itself by reducing losses and increasing bottom line profits.

  6. Police claims CCTV system helps solve 75% of crimes in New Dehli

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    Police in New Dehli claims that their CCTV surveillance system has helped officers solve 75% of crimes in the city, a news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    While the CCTV system is not a very modern one and some of the footage is not evidence-grade quality, officers claim it is good enough to use for identifying people at a crime scene. At best, a senior officer readily said, low-quality CCTVs can prove a particular incident took place, especially if it occurred at night.

    Criminals, acquainted with the fact that the cameras are of low quality, often use helmets or scarves to ensure their features are obscured in grainy videos. “The only solution to this is to install more cameras because at some point, perhaps at some distance from the crime scene, the criminal is bound to remove his face cover and allow us make positive identifications,” a Delhi Police inspector argued.

    CCTV Surveillance – experts in deploying advanced CCTV surveillance systems for police use

    CCTV Surveillance is the go-to company for complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards and don’t break the bank in terms of budgets. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    Furthermore, we make the most to customize your systems in order to deliver the best value for money, all within the limits of a pre-set budget.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  7. Facial recognition CCTV cameras to be deployed on Australian public transport network

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    Facial recognition CCTV cameras are set to be deployed across the public transport network including trains, trams and buses at the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games in Australia next year, to identify potential terror suspects before they can get close to any sporting or public venue, a news report has been able to suggest.

    In what will be the most far reaching public use of the technology, the sophisticated technology will be linked into the network including platforms and major stops and monitored around the clock during the 11-day event next April by some of the more than 10,000 security personnel tasked with Games security.

    It was hoped faces of suspects could be identified in the crowd and rapid ready response police and military deployed before they could get close to events and estimated 1.5 million spectators expected to attend.

    The Australian Federal Police is driving the project with the Gold Coast seen as the best test of a sophisticated facial network due to the city’s already high-level use of CCTV cameras.

    But the technology could also soon become a feature at other major sporting and public events about the country as the Federal Government looks to ramp-up mass-gathering public security in the wake of recent terrorist attacks including Manchester and London.

    CCTV Surveillance – Experts in Designing, Installing and Comissioning Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

  8. New CCTV surveillance and ANPR camera system to monitor traffic flow in Aberdeen

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    A new CCTV surveillance and ANPR camera system will be installed on key routes around Aberdeen in order to monitor traffic flow and journey times, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The information collected by the £300,000 system will be used information to help the flow of traffic going in and out of the city, particularly in locations beside the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (AWPR).

    Measures to be taken based on the data will include changing traffic signal timings, issuing traffic information and bulletins, and giving the potential to divert traffic on to less congested routes.

    An Aberdeen City Council spokeswoman said: “This is a very exciting development for controlling traffic flow around the city as it means operators can be alerted to incidents straight away, or can redirect traffic away from busy areas.

    “The benefits to motorists include reduced delays at key locations and a system which is designed to work with the new AWPR routes in and out of the city.”

    CCTV Surveillance – Experienced suppliers of CCTV and ANPR systems

    CTV Surveillance is the go-to company for complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards and don’t break the bank in terms of budgets. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    Furthermore, we make the most to customize your systems in order to deliver the best value for money, all within the limits of a pre-set budget.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  9. CCTV cameras set to be deployed in over 900 railway stations in India

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    Indian Railways will install CCTV surveillance system at more than 900 stations, in a bid to bolster security, a recent news report in the local media has been able to reveal.

    The huge undertaking comprises installing 19,000 high definition CCTV cameras at over 983 stations across the country to ensure round-the-clock security to passengers including women.

    The cameras will be installed at platforms and waiting areas while there will be control rooms at stations to monitor CCTV footages by trained RPF personnel constantly. Beside providing a visible deterrent, the CCTV surveillance system will also help in post-incident crime investigation.

    The station master will also be given access to monitor CCTV camera footage as part of the project being undertaken by the public transporter, said a senior Railway Ministry official.

    CCTV Surveillance – Suppliers of Advanced CCTV monitoring solutions

    CCTV Surveillance is the go-to company for complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards and don’t break the bank in terms of budgets. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    Furthermore, we make the most to customize your systems in order to deliver the best value for money, all within the limits of a pre-set budget.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  10. New CCTV camera system to be deployed in Amble

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    A new CCTV camera system comprising up to 32 cameras will be deployed in Amble to provide coverage of the town centre and Paddlers Park, a news report in the local media has
    been able to suggest.

    There will be approximately 14 high definition cameras which will be wi-fi networked and can be added to in the future if required. Automatic Numberplate Recognition is also a feature on some of the cameras. The cameras will be regularly maintained and there is 24 hour access should a fault arise.

    An agreement has been made with Northumbria Police to carry out surveillance from their base in Amble.

    Inspector Liz Hall, Northumbria Police stated “Northumbria Police officers have worked with partners from the initial planning stages to ensure we all work together to secure the right locations to get maximum benefit from this system.

    “Northumbria police officers will monitor this from the local Amble police station and use the footage to improve public safety and support prosecutions.

    “This will not replace the face to face community engagement and presence of officers in the town centre, Amble police have an excellent level of support from the local community and this will give us an additional tool to keep Amble town centre a safe place to live, socialise and visit.”

    CCTV Surveillance – experts in deploying advanced CCTV systems for public and police surveillance

    CCTV Surveillance is the go-to company for complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards and don’t break the bank in terms of budgets. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    Furthermore, we make the most to customize your systems in order to deliver the best value for money, all within the limits of a pre-set budget.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.