Author Archives: tensor_cctvsurveillance

  1. CCTV surveillance camera system expenditure across Harrogate estimated at £408,000

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    The CCTV surveillance camera system expenditure for Harrogate last year was £408,000, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    Across England, councils spent £78 million on cameras in 2017-18. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government figures show that it is one area of spending that has gone up nationally since 2010.

    Harrogate Borough Council’s CCTV budget for the current financial year has been reduced to £235,000.

    The LGA’s Simon Blackburn said:

    “CCTV plays a vital role in protecting the public by dissuading crime and antisocial behaviour, assisting police officers on the ground and supporting prosecutions for offences ranging from fly-tipping and traffic violations to acts of theft, robbery and serious violence.

    “CCTV also reduces costs to the public purse as anyone caught committing an offence on camera is likely to plead guilty, saving time on trials.”


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  2. Funds made available to improve CCTV systems across Shropshire

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    Funding amounting to £1 million is being made available to fund and improve CCTV systems across Shropshire, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The funds have been put aside by West Mercia police and crime commissioner John Campion, who said improved quality of images would help the police catch more criminals, and would lead to people feeling safer.

    CCTV is not directly run by the police and the organisations which look after the systems, such as councils, will be able to apply through the Community Safety Partnership, for a slice of the funding.

    Systems upgraded or set up with the funding would see footage from across the region viewed remotely from a control room.


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  3. Deploying CCTV systems to become compulsory in Scottish abattoirs

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    Installing CCTV camera systems will become mandatory across in all areas where livestock are present in abattoirs, under new legislation announced by the Scottish Government, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    About 80% of slaughterhouses in Scotland have installed CCTV voluntarily, but rural affairs minister Mairi Gougeon said the measures for these systems to become mandatory would be introduced into legislation later this year.

    The British Veterinary Association (BVA) said the move was a “huge win for animal health and welfare”.

    Melissa Donald, BVA Scottish branch president, said: “While it is positive that eight out of 10 Scottish abattoirs already have CCTV, introducing legislation ensures consistency across the board and will help to keep welfare standards high at all stages of the supply chain.

    “Official veterinarians in Scottish abattoirs will be able to use CCTV as a complement to their welfare monitoring and also have unrestricted access to footage so that they can identify and resolve any breaches in regulation effectively.”

    NFU Scotland welcomed the move, but said it would be seeking assurances from the Scottish government on the financial implications of installing CCTV, especially for smaller abattoirs.

    NFUS president Andrew McCornick said: “Scottish agriculture already adheres to some of the highest animal health and welfare standards and pride themselves on producing meat to the highest of quality because of it.”

    CCTV Surveillance – the go-to company for advanced CCTV monitoring solutions at an affordable price

    If you’re representing a public authority or you’re simply interested in installing a highly-secure, latest-generation, high-end CCTV video surveillance system, capable of delivering a high-definition, top-notch video recording and playback experience, then you should look no further than CCTV Surveillance, since our company delivers both the advanced products and the set of skills required to match the customer’s exact requirements, while also keeping well within the budget limits.

    Our latest-generation digital HD video cameras can be installed in virtually any location and offer very good quality, high-resolution images, even in low-light conditions. Moreover, the range of infra-red cameras we work with also enables great visibility during night-time, an increasingly popular feature within the CCTV segment.

    Plus, beside the actual cameras and infrastructure, our lineup also includes a range of digital video recording solutions and control software, designed to help users easily review CCTV footage, at the best possible quality.

    If you’d like to find out more about the range of products provided by CCTV Surveillance, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.

  4. Facial recognition CCTV system to be deployed in Malaysia’s Penang state

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    A new facial recognition CCTV system will be deployed across the Malaysian state of Penang in a bid to detect criminals faster by enhancing the capabilities of the existing 767 CCTV cameras installed by the Penang City Council, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The system will be operated from the council’s CCTV control room, as well as the Penang police headquarters, chief minister Chow Kon Yeow said.

    “The monitoring via CCTVs is an initiative by the Penang state government to reduce crime, especially street crimes, in an effort to maintain the safety and well-being of the people,” said Chow.

    The police would upload the image of a criminal or wanted person to the system. If the system manages to track similar faces through any of the CCTV cameras, the authorities would immediately be alerted.

    CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric access control technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

  5. New CCTV cameras deployed in Milford Haven as part of a reinvestment in the CCTV surveillance system

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    A set of new CCTV cameras have been deployed in Milford Haven, as part of a reinvestment in the CCTV surveillance system, a news report in the local media can reveal.

    The four new cameras, centrally monitored at Dyfed-Powys Police Headquarters, are now live and recording.

    Milford Haven is the seventh town out of a planned 17 locations to benefit from the reinvestment project.

    Dafydd Llywelyn, Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “I am very pleased to be able to say that another town has benefited from my pledge to reinvest in CCTV. Two of my team were out and about in Milford Haven on the November 15 – as the new CCTV cameras were being installed – engaging with residents and business owners on my behalf.

    “The feedback received was very positive: The community feels much safer with the return of CCTV to the area. I look forward to seeing the project being delivered further again over the coming months.”


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  6. Cutting-edge facial recognition CCTV system to be deployed across Moscow

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    A cutting-edge facial recognition CCTV system is set to be deployed across the city of Moscow next year in a bid to identify wanted criminals, Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has recently revealed for a news outlet.

    “In order to make the city safer, we will soon get to a new type of information technology for our law enforcement agencies. This year we have already replaced more than 40% of CCTV cameras with more advanced analogues, and we will for the first time create a system of facial recognition that will identify wanted offenders,” the mayor said.

    City police Chief Oleg Baranov emphasized the importance of the “Safe City” system, parts of which have already been installed in different neighborhoods of the capital. He said the system has made it possible “to solve 27 murders, 77 crimes where grievous bodily harm was inflicted, 165 hold-ups and more than 300 cases of theft.”

    The mayor also stressed the importance of updating local precincts in order to combat crime in the city. “Over the past few years, we have repaired and rebuilt 75 local police precincts, we have constructed ten new buildings,” the mayor stressed. “Within the next few years, 25 new police precincts and buildings for other needs of city management will be built,” the mayor said, stressing that the city will be offering all kinds of assistance to law enforcement agencies.

    CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric access control technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).

  7. Residents in West Mercia and Warwickshire to be consulted on the use of ANPR across the region

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    The West Mercia and Warwickshire Police forces are asking the residents’ opinion on the use of ANPR technology across the region, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The forces have launched an online survey that will run for six weeks and aims to give local communities, as well as those who travel through the region, a chance to voice their views and understanding of how ANPR is used to tackle crime.

    The technology is used to help detect, deter and disrupt criminality at a local, force, regional and national level, including tackling travelling criminals, organised crime groups and terrorists.

    ANPR provides lines of enquiry and evidence in the investigation of crime and is used by forces throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

    The aim of the survey is to develop a broader view of public perceptions and understanding of police use of ANPR, allowing officers to inform and engage with communities around its future use.

    CCTV Surveillance – experts suppliers of ANPR systems

    ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is a highly accurate system that uses OCR (or Optical Character Recognition) technology to accurately identify the numbers and letters on a number plate.

    After identifying the number plates on any vehicle, ANPR systems can easily log the date, time and location of the vehicle, and proceed to carry out an action based on the data (save the information in a database for retrieval at a later time, issue an alert should the plates match against a specific database, open a gate, etc.).

    While ANPR is commonly associated with law enforcement use (speed ticketing, congestion area charging, identification of stolen vehicles, etc.), the system has numerous applications designed for private use.

    By installing ANPR cameras at a car park’s entrance and exit and checking number plates against an existing Access Control database, organizations can rest assured that only authorized vehicles are able to access their premises. Plus, with ANPR and automatic barriers, access to any car park can be significantly improved and streamlined.

    Whether your site only requires a simple system with a single PC and scanner or you’re looking for a fully integrated solution spanning a large premises, CCTV Surveillance will be able to provide you the necessary assistance in choosing the ANPR system that best suits your requirements.

  8. New CCTV network with ANPR capabilities planned for Edinburgh

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    Plans for deploying a new CCTV system with ANPR capabilities across Edinburgh and also creating a citywide operations centre to oversee it will soon be put forward by the city council, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

    The council currently has 226 CCTV cameras across Edinburgh including 17 that are re-deployable. Around £634,000 is spent on staff operations of the service and almost £62,000 goes towards maintenance of the ageing system.

    The “resilience hub” would allow the council to monitor its CCTV coverage across the city, as well as a new license plate recognition system, street lights, traffic signals and congestion.

    The new facility will also monitor “a new Automatic Number Plate Recognition camera network to be installed in the city” which police could use to track vehicles and could help enforce motorists flouting bus lane rules.

    A council spokeswoman said: “We have established a working group which is looking at the future options for our CCTV network in Edinburgh, including the upgrading and future proofing of CCTV systems.

    “Alongside this, we are in the early stages of developing a city operations centre concept that would bring together our upgraded CCTV system, as well as our traffic management systems to allow us to have a more joined up view of the city and manage it more proactively.”


    One of the key elements enabling Stoke-on-Trent City Council to reduce security costs was remote monitoring.

    At CCTV Surveillance, we can offer you this service. We have seen it save countless customers money just like the council due to less staff being needed on patrol and lower insurance costs.

    The CCTV Surveillance monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 all year round by highly trained operators, all of whom share a passion for security. They can take immediate action on the video footage that they are alerted to, either by using the intercom link to warn away offenders or calling the police and specified keyholders.

    Our top-range systems use the latest digital technology to provide real time viewing and control of cameras via a broadband connection. For further security and information gathering we can provide you with facial recognition software (including a revolutionary rapid deployment kit) and automatic number-plate recognition.

    We provide several other security services as well as remote monitoring, such as our System Takeover, where we can take on the time and responsibility of running and maintaining your existing security system for you. All of our CCTV systems can also integrate with our access control systems. For example, this could allow the automatic opening or barring of doors if a certain person is picked up on the cameras.

    If you are worried about the security of your premises, we can perform an in-depth assessment with a full spectrum penetration test which replicates real-life threats – everything from social engineering to lock picking and getting past alarms. We can also provide a smaller physical penetration-only test.

    If you want to reduce security costs today, please contact us on or ring 01480 223955.

  9. CCTV surveillance systems are excellent tools for the prevention of fly-tipping

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    The illegal dumping of waste, or fly-tipping, is costing the security industry thousands in clean up and insurance claims according to the British Security Industry Association (BSIA).

    Fly-tipping is a growing issue which can end up costing thousands and in some cases up to seven figures in clean up and insurance claims. The costs, which might be borne by the landlords of fly-tipping hotspots if they are not covered by insurance, can routinely reach hundreds of thousands of pounds and claims have been known to regularly exceed this figure.

    Companies who fail to adequately protect their assets, or have been victims of fly-tipping in the past, could find their insurance cost.

    Restrictions on the tipping of waste and the inevitable dumping to avoid paying for waste processing are key factors for this unlawful behaviour and in recent times a far larger and by far costly crime is occurring on an almost daily basis.

    This involves the unlawful occupation of land followed by large scale collection and disposal of waste. There have also been many cases of industrial units rented on short leases which have then been filled with illegal waste and left for the landlord to clear out the building.

    Gideon Reichental, Chair of the Vacant Property Protection Section, BSIA, said: “Fly-tipping is not just an unnecessarily expensive eyesore it can also be dangerous; tipped rubbish has been known to include specialist and clinical waste which can be hazardous, and mixed waste can spontaneously combust resulting in substantial fires which harm the environment through airborne pollution and contaminated fire-water run-off, which is why it has never been more important to tackle the problem head on.”

    CCTV Surveillance – suppliers of comprehensive and secure CCTV solutions

    CCTV Surveillance is the go-to company for complete and comprehensive CCTV solutions that adhere to the highest security standards and don’t break the bank in terms of budgets. In fact, all of our surveillance products are fully compliant with the UK Police Requirements.

    The CCTV software enables “live” footage to be viewed remotely from any or all connected CCTV cameras as events happen and without degradation of video quality, allowing you to monitor your premises when offsite.

    Furthermore, we make the most to customize your systems in order to deliver the best value for money, all within the limits of a pre-set budget.

    If you want to find out more about our high-end surveillance and security solutions, our dedicated team is ready to answer all of your questions.

  10. Facial recognition CCTV systems set to be deployed across Indian train stations

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    CCTV cameras with facial recognition capabilities are set to be deployed at more than 6,000 stations across India to make rail premises secure, a recent news report has been able to suggest.

    RailTel, Indian Railways’ telecom arm, had launched a tender earlier this year for the supply, installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of 89,845 IP (Internet Protocol)-based video surveillance system (VSS) at 6,124 railway stations.

    These powerful IP cameras will not only record movements at stations, but will also be equipped with facial recognition software, motion detection, quick review and intrusion detection. The recording will be under scrutiny round the clock by security personnel of the Railway Protection Force (RPF) and Government Railway Police (GRP).

    There are more than 50 major stations, including New Delhi which, are already equipped with CCTV surveillance systems. The Railways is also planning to equip all coaches with CCTV cameras.

    CCTV Surveillance – The experts in deploying Facial Recognition CCTV systems

    The Facial Recognition CCTV solution supplied by CCTV Surveillance dynamically compares images of individuals from incoming video streams against those stored in a predefined access control list and immediately sends alerts when a positive match occurs.

    The technology yields a very good level of performance despite partial occlusions of the face, the use of glasses, scarves or caps, changes of facial expression, and moderate rotations of the face. Moreover, it does not allow users to be impersonated using photographs.

    This biometric access control technology is the perfect solution to control the access to restricted security areas, especially since we’re talking about a completely automated system that requires very little interaction with the operator.

    Our Facial Recognition CCTV system can be easily integrated with existing ID management products and enables administrators to easily create Whitelists/Blacklists for specific areas, while subjects can be very easily enrolled from one or more photographs.

    The system fully supports runtime alarm management, is highly tunable (control based on time-frames, sequentially, etc) and even allows alarms to be exported to common formats (PDF, Excel) and remote devices (mobile, PDA, tablet, security control centre).