Our engineers support your surveillance around the clock

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Criminal activity on public transport has reached the billion pounds a year mark, according to the latest government figures. Regarding public transport in England in 2006/07, the statistics showed that the total cost to society of crime on rail, light rail and London Underground reached £926.9 million, with bus and tram crime costing £574 million. There were more than 77,000 reported and recorded incidents of crime on rail, light rail and London Underground in that year. An estimate of the total numbers when unreported incidents are included raises the rail crime figure to nearly 197,000.

CCTV is already used as a bedrock of Mayor Boris Johnson’s crime fighting strategy on London Underground, and CCTV Surveillance will deliver top quality camera systems to your firm. Unlike many other companies who provide similar systems, we support all of our surveillance products in-house, so you can get instant feedback and action to your support requirement for evidence quality digital CCTV. Recognising that many companies rely on round-the-clock functionality, CCTV Surveillance provides a team of hardware engineers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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