MP backs CCTV which results in thousands of arrests

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police Wrexham 20000 arrestsThe Con-Lib coalition is expected to "further regulate" the use of closed circuit television cameras and to cut back on their use. However, one MP, Ian Lucas, said he wants the Government to shed more light on its proposals. He said: "Police revealed earlier this year that since Wrexham’s CCTV system was set up, it has led to almost 21,000 arrests. But the Government nationally is pledging ‘we will further regulate CCTV’. It would be a terrible shame if a successful CCTV scheme which is playing a leading role in tackling crime locally were to become the victim of politically-motivated red tape."

The latest technology from CCTV Surveillance Ltd offers you cost effective and evidence quality set-ups. The CCTV surveillance cameras and DVR recording systems can be networked together across multiple sites. Digital CCTV body cameras require a lens to be attached to them and these generally have to be bought separately, but this allows you to choose the best lens for your needs. Vari-focal lenses can also be employed which allow you to manually adjust the zoom level of your body camera.

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